I will be 36 wks on friday, I was wondering how far dilated your all are that's in your third trimester. and how far dilated do you have to be to tell when your lil one is almost here?
Well I was checked last week at 35wks and nothing my dr. said baby head down still thick and I work as a sells rep for cell phones and im standing all day I was expecting to be dialating a least or something but guess my baby well come out when shes ready.
36weeks 2days and 1 1/2cm dialated............my dr's appt is this afternoon so when my dr checks me I will know if I have progressed or stayed the same at 1 1/2c
I am 37w 1d and I am 2cm dialated! I was 2cm dialated with my 2nd dd for a long time though. But my ob said his head was pushing down hard on my cervix and she didn't know if I would make it to next weeks appt! This is my 3rd pregnancy and I have recently dropped and I lost my mucous plug last Friday!
38 wks and I'm 1cm dilated. Doc says he's not too high but not too low either... I'm starting to feel like lil man wants to kick it in mama's tummy as long as possible.
I'm 35 weeks and 1 and a half centimeters dilated and 25 percent effaced. and his head down he's been down since like 28 weeks that I don't think he's actually dropped or engaged whatever you wanna call it however he is really low ultrasound now are not easy at trying to get a picture of his head
At 37+3 weeks I was almost 2 cm and 50% effaced and her head was low (nurse said she could feel the hair on her head!) Tomorrow I'll be 38 +3 weeks and I'm getting checked again and my nurse is going to strip my membranes. My hospital won't admit me unless I'm 4cm or if my water breaks.
Im 37w2d and i was 1cm and 50% effaced when i was last checked at 36w6d i hope i have more progress at my doc appt on the 7th my doc said she is really low and ive been feeling a ton of pressure