@mshahir when you find one let me know because apparently my registry isnt complete without a baby bong. Maybe I can even get it personalized with her name on it so the other kids wont try to steal it! Lmao!
@mshahir I was convinced my second was comming early too...so you never know, 11 weeks from now I might be on here reading your post about the induction-conversation you just had with your doctor!
Hehee! I can't wait to move back to Ohio! My son n I r gonna get so high n shoot guns n rob banks n stuff... we're gonna go get random women pregnant n not pay child support! Lol!
Im gonna have to start taking notes... omg! I can't forget to post it on youtube! Ur only cool if u abuse ir children n put it on the internet for all to see!
I understand both sides of the argument. I smoked a lot of weed every day for two years but as soon as I found out I was pregnant, I quit cold Turkey. It was very hard for me because I felt I needed to be high to function. Being high was feeling "normal" to me. I suffer from severe depression so I was a wreck for the first few weeks of coming off it, and I still struggle. I am not judging anyone in this post, I am just stating my experience so please don't attack me. I have heard weed doesn't affect your baby, & that it does, so I would never wanna risk the chances of my baby boy being negatively affected jut because I couldn't give up a stupid addiction. I was sent to treatment 5 times within 3 years and I could never stay sober for more than 3 months unntil I was blessed with my little angel. That's my story, but to each their own. Nobody is going to change their beliefs over arguing in a forum. This is a very touchy topic for people so I always stay out of them, but I had to add my story just once and I hope no one took it in the wrong way, like I said I am not judging or attacking everyone. I wish you all the best with your unborn/babies/children, and please don't get so worked up about this stuff! Your baby can feel it. If you feel you may be very aggressive, its probably best to not even open this thread. That's all!
When you are pregnant, you are advised to not even take Tylenol or Excedrin... So why take another drug regularly? From the moment you conceive your child, planned or unplanned, it is NOT your body anymore- you are living for two people and absolutely EVERYTHING that you do, effects the baby and has some sort of side effect... whether that is a terrible and life changing or even a side effect that can kill, I honestly do not know, but I do know that no matter what you put into your body, effects the tiny infant living in that same body.
Hah, I love zofran lol @nova and yes tylenol is safe during pregnancy @blueberrysmom but it is recommended to use it as little and in the smallest amounts as possible just because it is very hard to know how much damage drugs cause to babies in the womb.
@Nova haha, yeah- mine wasn't really morning sickness, but I have been on magnesium for weeks at a time and that is when i have to have zofran lol. And i love that stuff(:
@mandac10 apparently the wwb thing is quite common at least in the nicu of the metro detroit hospital where my son was born. A few of the nurses told me that black females were typically the strongest and first to go home, followed by white females, then black males, and the wwbs were usually there the longest. Kinda interesting.
Fortunately, my son has long outgrown his wimpyness. He's a bruiser, towering over kids who are 10 months older. Plus, he's got a pain threshhold like no other kid I've seen!
@Nova that's what I was thinking too! Phenergan was covered but zofran wasn't. I had to request them to cover ondansetron for me because phenergan would just put me to sleep and as soon as I woke up, I was sick again.
I know my marijuana isn't laced... Because I grow it myself. Thank you. I know the thc content and I inspect every bud to the finest degree and every tricomb to make sure there is no trace of mold.
@tiff87124 only reggie and mid come broken up. Which is usually seeds and stems. The better weed such as purpose and kush are sold by grams and are nuggets. Laced weed isn't as common as you may think. Plus if someone is putting other things in their weed they sell they are gonna up their prices cuz they have to pay for the other drugs. If afew gram of reggie jumps up 10the bucks off the original low price id be concerned then but Normally the actual dealer is selling for someone else. There's a lot more to selling weed then people know.
This is so coming from a non-smoker of weed and cigs. I've never been a user of any drugs. Im just saying this cuz my bf use to sell to make some extra cash.
Haha purp not purpose! Sorry auto correction. And drug dealers value their customers more than you think lol well weed dealers maybe not crack dealers.
Fortunately, my son has long outgrown his wimpyness. He's a bruiser, towering over kids who are 10 months older. Plus, he's got a pain threshhold like no other kid I've seen!
This is so coming from a non-smoker of weed and cigs. I've never been a user of any drugs. Im just saying this cuz my bf use to sell to make some extra cash.