if my husband didnt give me this STD then who did??



  • @moroccanmexicanbaby I'm not planning on getting anymore from him. I'm just not really in a position to make it on my own. Its really hard to just walk away from the life you always dreamt of having. But i don't think this marriage will work so now i gotta figure out how to end it. And that absolutely breaks my heart. This isn't whay i wanted for my daughter: (
  • I'm so sorry girl. I'm usually non confrontational but a std(for me.is diff) that's a whole other line he's crossing. Curable or not a std isn't anything to be taken lightly. I'm sorry :(
  • @valentinasmommy its harder bc my husband is scary. But he tool today off so i think the fight is gonna happen today. And I'm so not ready
  • Omg. :( if he's willing to fight about then you definitely should know he gave it to you.
  • start taking any money you get and stashing it away.. if this were happening to me i would have to do the same and thats exactly what i would do.. that would be my deception and pay back .. after you save enough money you can leave him .. all the while you can be getting your nerve up.. sorry but some of us gotta do what we gotta do.. and thats what id do.. good luck girl..
  • yes, if you never slept with no one else... well he just jeopardized the life of your little one and yours. But I would be careful with arguing because it bad for baby. Just try to save some money and just move out or kick him out! i would start by low income housing application ASAP!
  • I don't blame you for being disgusted! Id be too! Now you know why he axted that way & why. I'm sooo sad you're dealing with his bs.
  • @valentinasmommy i kno he will fight to defend himself. :( then he will turn it on me.

    @lae3 i wish i made more money. That's gonna b much easier once i get back to working as a cna. This whole situation makes me feel terrible about myself bc i wish i could b more self sufficient for my daughter and i.

    @moroccanmexicanbaby that's my moms biggest thing right now. That i need to stay calm and relaxed and that's terribly hard.

    @one5one i appreciate the support. He took today off and is kissing my ass. But I'm not buying it.
  • Please please watch yourself around him. You are a beautiful person that doesn't deserve any of this. I would ask your doctor if he/she is positive that its trich.

    Lots of prayers to you hun and always here if you need anything.
  • Eeeeewwwwww what an ass
  • unfortunatly when we become pregnant its almost like being disabled temporarily we cant work .. )0: but you will work again.. and like i said if you end up not being able to move on.. which would be hard if he wont even admit to wrong doing.. i would pressure him to tell you the truth.. and explain that the dr told you that the only way could have gotten it was thru him.. and that you wont be able to move on untill he admits to the truth.. you have solid proof.. and if he wants to be with you and make it work he needs to be honest.. im sorry you have to deal with this ... and he is horrible for not admitting his faults instead of trying to manipulate you into thinking your crazy.. or what ever.. good luck girl.. and pry the truth out of him..
  • I'm so sorry ur going thru this hun. I have been in ur EXACT shoes and I can feel ur heartbreak.
  • Keep 911 on your speed dial! Is there anyway you could have your bil come over or atleast be on alert for your call?
  • @sara102011 I am so sorry! Mike will be there within 20 min even if he is at work. Just stay safe and try to stay calm for novalee. Being stuck isn't a very good feeling. But your not! I will help you and I know your mom would until you get back to work if we have to we can just move you out while he is at work to avoid the anger. Just leave a letter and give it space until you guys realize what the next step should be. We are here for you and will do anything to help just stay strong!
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  • i can't believe he isn't admitting it.
    i would say you need to drop it on his ass and tell him he confesses EVERYthing to you or you are gone. end of story. i would accept him kissing my butt and then expecting to be all sweet and avoid the situation at hand. fighting about who left the ref. door open is something to choose a battle over- this is much more important and could have been life threatening to his child. but he is acting like a child. i hope this doesnt come across as snippy- but you need to simply get the fight done and over with. you should control the situation and bring up the conversation. otherwise it'll catch you at the wrong time then you'll really feel out of control.
  • I hope it was a mix up and would want to give it the benefit of the doubt but I know his personity and if he knew he was innocent I really think he would be attacking her, or at least trying to clarify what happened instead he is acting like nothing is up and plus he has been acting suspicious.
  • @momof5 thank you so much. I was planning on talkong to my doc next Tuesday.

    @momof22be that's all i can think about him!

    @lae3 its hard to approach it but i know i gotta do it. Even earlier he said i was having cramps and he said its bc I'm dehydrated and i said that's not the only reason and he was like well its mainly bc you need water...then changed the subject. He is totally avoiding talking about my std.

    @excitedforoctober can you share your story?? What was the outcome? I'm sorry you have also had to go through this. I wouldn't wish this hurt on anyone.

    @beaded_bunny yeah he is already on call. He lives 10 min away and works 20 minutes away. He's ready!!

    @due71011 i appreciate you so much. I don't know how i wouldn't have gotten through this pregnancy without you. And what about my cat?! My poor cat!!!

    @usmcwifemommy101107 :/ its so hard. Life was so perfect. This came outta no where. Things won't be the same ever again

    @survivormommie3 you're right i do just need to talk to him. Every second that goes by i hurt more and more. Iim gonna stress myself out to an extremely unhealthy point. My poor girl..

    @jtmoon98 id like to think that but my husband is acting awfully okay with his wife having a std. Its like it hasn't phased him one bit.
  • Please keep us posted. I know how you feel about not wanting to talk to him about it, but maybe you should cut your losses now because if he is that way with you imagine how scared your daughter will be when she is older. He will argue with her the same way... trust me, I know from experience. Take the help you are offered and get out. If you decide to go back make sure he has gone through therapy and is on medication if its necessary. I'm so sorry you're finding out about this STD now but if you are this scared to confront him, it seems this is just the straw that broke the camels back.

    Good luck and I'm here to talk.
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  • well even if you put it off .. at least tell him.. for now you will drop it but the descusion is not over.. but while your prego... try to keep your stress levle down cause it can prolong labor and can disrupt labor from happening.. or you could go too early.. good luck girl.. at least let him no the convo is not over..
  • @myowndisaster23 i will i promise. We are talking tonight when he gets off so ill update tonight or in the morning. I am terrified.

    @2beforgotten I'm pretty sure i know who the nasty bitch is. Lol.

    @lae3 i was thinking about doing that. But all i can thinl about is this. I don't even wanna be around him but at the same time want what we had bc everything was amazing.

    @jtmoon98 I'm gonna talk with my doctor about it more on tuesdsy.
  • Good luck hun and keep us updated! You don't deserve that.
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  • I know now from talking to you all day you are ready to ask for the truth. I hope everything goes well and you guys see fit to try and move on. I guess at this point he is guilty and admits it so you can learn to rebuild trust. I know the chances of innocence seem slim and at this point you would have a lot of trouble beleiving it. I hope you are safe please know we are here if you aren't. But I think you guys can work it out if this conversation goes well. Good luck and test me asap and let me know what's going on later I will have trouble sleeping if I don't hear something.
  • Everything ok??
  • the big problem is the endangerment of ur baby....not only is he lying tu u...but lying to ur baby who could b affected by this.....unless they got ur urine mixed
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