I got seduced into induction.....documentary

edited August 2011 in Giving birth
This morning I had an appt to check my dialation. I am 39+3 with baby number 4 (last one..... I swear) I was 1cm... Three weeks ago baby measured 7lbs. My doctor said...if you want I'll induce you and you can hold your baby tomorrow. Well the last three all came on there own....one early, two late. So I went home to discuss with hubby. He let the choice up to me. So at 6 pm I got to the hospital. 1 cm and 70 % effaced. Doctor gave me cervadil at 8:15.... Pit is starting at 8am. Will keep all who are curious updated...send me labor dust! A little nervous (but I think that has more to do with leaving my hubby home with the little ones alone for more than a few hours!!!!!)


  • well good luck! and dont worry about hubby- you'll be doing more work. but i am sure he will be ready to come see you when all is said and done
  • Good luck and lots of labor dust*******
  • edited August 2011
    @survivormommie3 Yeah.... Kinda feel for him. We have three at home under age four. The probably have him bound and gagged by now
  • labor dust labor dust labor dust good luck dont be nervous this is nothing new and dont worry about hubby he will do just fine
  • Labour dust your way!! Good luck. Look at it as his time to experience your daily life. It'll be fine :-)
  • @beardreams... good point, cause you know men think all we do is sooooooo easy....
  • @Bethybaby exactly! Going through birth is enough to worry about. You were confident enough to have the kids with him so he should be capable of surviving :-)
  • I have heard that induction hurts more then natural, since you have experience can you keep us posted if that is true?
  • @beardreams I heard the same thing.... So I will let you know. My sil had her first natural and second induced, she said induction was easier, and way shorter. She had epi with both. I never had an epi and dont plan on getting one.... And all my labors were under five hours. I will def let you know how it plays out.
  • 7:00 am....Nurse woke me up to do vitals and got me my stuff to take a shower. Phase two.... pitocin.....starts in an hour....
  • This shouldn't take to long I want.a no.4 hehe congratulations all the.best xx
  • Inductions I rekon.only.hurt more if its ur first afterthat the.damage is done
  • **LABOR DUST** ;)
  • Good luck lots of labor dust
  • Good luck!!
  • Good luck!
  • Good luck mamas
  • Good luck hun!! You will do great!
  • Alright, well this the cervadil brought me to 3.5 cm. started pictocin at 9 am. Was having mild contacting when they started it. Within a half hour I was contacting every two minutes.....but the pain was tolerable. Checked at 2:30 because pain was getting intense and was only a 5 :( At 3:45 they moved me to the birthing room and were going to break my water.... I was at an eight! Got some pain medication.... No epi as planned. At 4:10 they broke my water..still an eight....felt like I had to push, Katie was born nine minutes later after three pushes. 8lbs9ozs...19.5 inches.. And very healthy. Thank you all for my labor dust. I have to say that I think the pain of induced contractions is worse than natural ones, but the transition phase of labor was def easier. Did take a lot longer than my natural ones, but worth holding my baby girl right now for.
  • Congratulations!
  • Congratulations!
  • Congratulations! Was dad there with you?
  • Congrats!!!
  • Congratulations!!!! :)
  • Thanks everyone! @azmom.... No hes on his way now with the other three. BUT, my mom suprised me and got there about a half hour before. She was there, cut the cord, got tired about forty give minutes later and had to go. But I was soooooo happy she was here. My nurses were awesome too!
  • Congratulations on your baby girl! Thanks so much keeping us updated! Glad everything worked out.
  • Congrats on your little one how awesome! :)
  • Congrats hun!
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