Early induction brought up at 24wks?

edited August 2011 in Pregnant
I saw someone ask if a dr would induce early if the paitent wanted it... But my question is have any of you had you dr tell you they wanted to induce you a week early for no reason??

I went in today, at 24wks, and my dr told me she wanted to induce me dec 16th. Thats a week before im due. At my 20wk ultra sound my baby was measuring normal, I havent had any major issues this pregnancy and my 1st child was only 8lbs 5oz.. So im not understanding why she would bring this up?

I was a little shocked and after I told her I wanted to try to go natural she just kept talking. Do you think its because im due dec 23rd and she doesnt want to take the chance of him being born on christmas or having to induce me between christmas & new years?


  • That's what it sounds like to me
  • That is weird!!! you don't have pre-eclampsia right?????
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  • That definitely sounds like what's up. Don't let her bully you into an induction you don't want.
  • edited August 2011
    @mrs4c I dont have pre-e or anything else at this point!

    @usmcwifemommy101107 @loveourlittleone I told her I wasnt interested and that I wanted to let my baby come when he is ready. She just said "we'll see"

    She tried to tell me there was a higher chance of complications with a 2nd baby, which i have never heard before..now im worried she will lie about his size or something to get me to go along with it :/
  • Yeah I'd guess she doesn't want to deliver you over Christmas! But say no if you don't want it, especially if there is no medical reason!
  • Some drs do induction because irts easier on them & their schedule. If you don't want it, don't do it! If I don't have to be induced I'm not! Unless medically necessary.
  • Um negative. She can't force you into an induction. I'd find a new doctor or set her ass straight really quick. "We'll see" wtf?!
  • They can't force you but a lot of doctors like to induce a week early to insure they are the one delivering your baby but if its not what you want then its your choice
  • Tell her butt straight up. NO! We'll see my ass!
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  • Im not one to be pushed around but wanted to get my facts stright and see if it was normal or something before I tell her stright up no and that there isnt a medical reason, that I can see at least. I just thought it was very odd & I dont like being lied too :/

    @LMelanson @bwhite55019 @littlenat86 @one5one @loveourlittleone @valentinasmommy
  • If there is nothing wrong then you wouldn't have to be induced. So if she just comes up with something on why you should that's bullshit!
  • Don't let her care for you and your baby. Do get a new Dr!! Don't feel guilty about it either. Do tell her in person why you won't be needing her services any longer! She was straight up unprofessional!
  • Sounds like she doesn't want your birth to possibly interfere with her Holiday.

    To me personally that would be a big red flag, especially since you want to go naturally if she is pressing for an induction now for no reason, it shows that she doesn't have you and your baby's best interest in mind.
    And if she is bringing it up now it wont stop her and as it gets closer she will probably continue to push for it and I'm the kind of person who gets paranoid and would start to think that she would make up a reason to induce me.
    If I were in your shoes I would personally be looking for a new Dr now.

    Dr's who want to induce for their own reasons and not medical reasons are not good Dr's. At least in my opinion.
  • oh, and her thing about the second child having more complications than the first is total BS! I didn't see that comment until now... yeah she is lying through her teeth and I would be on the look for a new Dr now...
  • Sounds like she doesn't want to take the chance that you might have him on Christmas. If you want a natural birth, I would find a new doctor. I wouldn't trust her because she obviously has her own agenda.
  • It seems kinda inconsiderate of your dr to induce you for her convience! I hope she doesn't do things or give you meds without your approval. Like my first kid the dr back then wasn't my regular one because she went on vacation that week. So this other dr cut me without my knowledge!! Just because I was probably taking to long to push....mind you from water breaking to baby out was about 4 & a half hours!!
    So I told my new midwife this. She said she'd never cut unless she'd tell me first!! How rude for the 1st dr to do this to me for his convience! Do not do it if you don't want to. Just to appease the dr. Or find a new one. A dr chooses this profession knowing things may arise on holidays.
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