This is only going to get worse, isn't it???
My daughter is 1 week and 4 days old... and she sleeps best when she's laying on my chest or in my lap. If I lay her on her back on a flat surface, she will only sleep for a short period of time before she wakes up. If I lay her in her infant carseat, she sleeps for quite a bit longer than that, almost double. But if I lay her on my chest or in my lap, she sleeps solid til I put her down. I held her for about 3 hours earlier (I had nothing to do except be on the computer, so I figured why the hell not), and I had to put her down so I could pump. Now she won't go back to sleep! I'm afraid this is only going to get worse. ( How do I get her to sleep on her own? It's not really that big of an issue right now, because I'm single and don't have to worry about babysitters for a few more weeks, but eventually, you know??? And I don't want to make it worse! (
Idk how to help you I just know this from class..... like someone said enjoy it while you can