Small or Big
I just had to vent a little this morning. I am 29 weeks and 3 days and I feel comfortable with my belly and size until people start talking. They always tell me you are so small to be 7 months & that I should be bigger. I know I shouldn't let it get to me but after a while it does & then I begin to worry. Any advice from other preggos.
@jbandno3 You are so right. My doctor has never mentioned anything to me about my size being a concern or a problem. I just wish people would stop thinking how big I should be. I know with my first pregnancy I got the same thing too but that was almost five years ago so I assumed it would be different.
@laura536 I've been hearing the same thing. But how does your doctor guess or determine how big your baby is?
@mrs_shu I AGREE. My doctor told me that people are just jealous ; )
@Quinnandtallonsmom Yea. I come to realize as long as your doctor says you are good and on track who cares what people think...that's why they aren't your doctor. lol
@Stepherbell That sucks when it's coming from people you know. My dad told me the other day that it looked like I was going to pop and he couldn't see me waiting to Nov. Pissed me off. lol
@Smgibbs Really. Do you feel bigger than your last pregnancies?
@MrsWilliams RIGHT. My doctor told me that people are just jealous ; ) lol
@314babymama1120 People really need to learn how to hold their comments. It's a mess.
@myHEARTZx3 That's true. How far along are you?
@brttnywstn14 Exactly. That's all I'm going to worry about now, especially since I've talked to my doctor. Good luck.