Anyone trying for a November bundle of joy??!!



  • Going into month 7 of ttc our first child, any suggestions on how to better our chances
  • I was praying for a November baby. My hpt came back bfn this morning and af is supposed to be here in two days
  • My hcg was 368 on Mon so at that time I was 2-3 weeks not been to the Dr yet but guess ill be due Nov 5th I'm so excited hoping for a boy
  • We weren't trying at all.... got pregnant on our anniversary :) due 11/1/11!
  • I been ttc over 2yrs
  • edited February 2011
    I find out if Im pregnant in five days if i am I will be due in November
  • I'm trying for a November baby....should be testing within the next couple of days...we shall see!!!!
  • Lias, try counting 10 days from the first day of ur period, then have sex all week dont miss a day n have fun doing it. Its how I was able to cons. Good luck girls!
  • I find out in 5 days too!
  • I got to be honest not feeling any pregnancy symptoms....just sore breasts, but I had this last month and I wad not pregnant!
  • I'm hoping for a Nov baby as well. Af due today and nothing so far. Prob going to wait a week(try), then test. If I am I'd be due Nov 7th
  • Hey! I got pregnant with my son the first month we tried. Then when we wanted another, it took two years!!! So dont get discouraged! It will happen. I do understand how frustrating and sad it is too see that negative test :-( But now after so long Im 30 weeks pregnant with a girl! So good luck to you all, it will happen for you!
  • So I tested this a period still though...(so frustrated)
  • Been ttc off and on for 2 years now. Hoping and praying this will be the month. :)
  • 1day late and feeling very neasaus. Waiting to test.
  • November baby is cooking!!! Got my bfp this morning!!
  • Oh yay!!!! I knew you'd be with me!!!
  • I'm so excited for you!!!! Yay...pregnancy buddies!
  • @praying4our3rd you and I miscarried on the same day (2/3) unfortunately. My DH and I aren't trying again just yet though. I have some dental work I need done before I think about ttc again.

    Also I saw your other post. Congrats on the bfp!
  • Due Nov 7th also. My brother in law is 9th, nephew 10th, and hubby 11th. Maybe my baby will come on the 8th. Lol!
  • Congrats ladies
  • My husband and I are ttc, I'm feeling the symptoms. Guess I will have to wait a week or 2 to find out.
  • Congratulations November mamas! I'm due Nov. 10th which is my birthday! I think that's pretty cool. :)
  • I want a November baby so bad. Took 2 tests with negative
    Frustrated but plan to test again tomorrow as I am already a week late.
  • The anticipation is killing me I have to wait another week to test. If I am preg. I will be due November 17 .
  • Me 2 @casella I wld b due the 25th
  • Ttc for a few months now...test in about 6days will be due nov.20th lets wait and see!
  • Yep I am due 11-2-11 so happy n excited hoping for a boy ....
  • Trying for 11-28 due date! Good luck/congrats everyone and lots of baby dust!
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