Silliest/worst "advice" you have gotten so far?

edited February 2011 in Just for Fun
I was told if my baby started choking because something was caught in his throat to blow in his/her face because, you know, all of those CPR classes are wrong about the sharp pat on the back or hooking your finger to remove the food. Since I'm TTC, I've been told my FI should get really drunk before we have sex because it will relax his sperm (never mind if a man's that drunk he can't really "take a stand" so to speak)! Also, I was told that I could drink any alcohol I wanted to up until I gave birth because, "fetal alcohol syndrome is just a myth". Yikes!

What about the rest of you ladies? What silly/bad advice have you gotten while either TTC or pregnant?


  • edited February 2011
    My Mom told me to get rid of my cat cuz its bad for the baby I'm not changing the little or anything lol but she wash yelling at me saying i shouldn't have him anymore
  • Sis in law told me not to tease ppl bc my kid will come out looking like them. Lol
  • Lol u can raise a child's or adults arms over there head if choking. It can help force air into the lungs.
  • Lol calling ppl's children ugly your child is going to come out ugly
  • edited February 2011
    @purple89 yup! Been told that ALOT, I hope it's not true bc if so my child is gonna be one hell of a sight! Lol
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  • @newmommy haha same here girl. & im nt even prego yet lol
  • Yeah, @hupe23_1, as long as you don't change the litter, there is little to no chance you can get toxoplasmosis. There's no reason you should have to get rid of your feline baby. :p

    @purple89 and @newmommy_navywife I've heard that, too. I guess my child is going to have a face only a mother can love. :-)) !
  • @fingerscrossed haha. Thts all the love the baby needs lol
  • @simplyraven22406 & @purple89 lmfao yall I'm so serious. I'm trying to be nice but certain circumstances just calls for teasing. pray for me! lmfao
  • Yep, like HUPE23_1 I was told by a stupid friend to get rid of my cat. She said they like the smell of milk on the baby's breath and will suck the air out of them because they get so close to smell it. :-?
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  • Lol... you guys are hilarious! My mom, who's an old hippie, told me to give my teething baby a chicken bone to chew on! I couldn't contain the giggles & tried to tell her that they make teethers now, but she insisted that my baby would 'prefer the flavor' .... lmao...
  • I've always been told by my grandma not to get angry about anything bc you'll "mark" the child. There's possibly some truth to this bc my cousin got mad at her dog bc he peed on the bed and had a Sharp pain and grabbed her belly. Her child is now in her fourties and still has a thick line of pomeranian like hair down the center of her back.... seriously creeps me out alittle not gonna lie.
  • I was told I could still drink the first 3 months of pregnancy cuz it dont affect the baby. Lets hope she doesnt get preggo
  • I was told to put an egg over the door of the room that the baby will be in the most so that when they start teething they won't be in so much pain!!

    I was told that snakes can smell the milk in a pregnant woman's breast and they'll try to attack u!!

    Eating food with hot sause on it while pregnant makes a baby blind!
  • i was told to "not have a girl" (like its a choice) because I have no patience with girls.
    (i've coached and mentored female soccer players for 5
  • @simplyraven22406 lol omg you read what @tootie08 wrote!? If all this is true my baby is gonna be ugly and blind! Omg lol
  • Oh, I just thought of two more.

    1. Don't pick up a newborn when it starts crying, because you are just spoiling it. A newborn's only way of communicating is crying!

    2. My great aunt swears up and down to put the baby on his/her stomach because he/she will get a flat head if he/she is on his/her back. I think I will go ahead and follow the SIDS prevention guidelines. Sorry Aunt Thelma!
  • My mom tells me to eat alot of spicy foods so the baby's hair will be long when she's born.
  • I've been told to drink red wine to support bone growth in the baby and driving one beer a day during breast feeding to help produce milk.

    And the hot sauce is bunk. My family is Cajun (we love spicy food) I'm not blind.
  • actually the flat head thing is true, since the baby on the back rule has come into play the rates of positional plagiocephaly have increased dramatically, almost to the same standards the amount of sids cases have decreased. while most heads will reshape as the baby begins to move his or her head while sleeping & rolls over, some require helmet therapy to correct.
  • Yes it is true. I worried bout sids I swaddled him and he was always on his back. My son is now 15 minths old and has a flat head. Lol
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  • @simplyraven22406 lol all I do is eat spicy food!
  • @fingerscrossed the flat head thing is true believe it or not. My cousin always put her baby on his back and he ended up having to wear a head mold thing to reshape his head
  • @michelya Agreed, the back sleeping does increase the chance of plagiocephaly, but I am going to use increased tummy time (as much as the little one can tolerant) to off set this risk, as well as work with my pediatrician for preventive measures. Before September, I was looking at a few sleep position pillows like the Infant Head Bed, but the FDA came out in September advising against them because of suffocating risks.
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  • My mother told me the other night not to sleep too much or else my baby "will look like a chongito" aka a monkey! Lmao. My grandmother also told me after I had my miscarriage not to go to a funeral..I have no idea why.
  • The beer while breast feeding helps but they have a tea now called mothers milk that works real good.
    I was told I couldn't have cats because they would get in the crib and sllep on the babys face
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