aww I love the name to my son is five . the other day my sister called him gg. he said my name aint gg my name Giovanni johnson. he's a comedian/flirt to he told the teacher last week whats up bayyybay my name giovanni and I'm a big boy you want to seem I swear I dont know where he get it from @sissylala
@havingnumber4... cute! My maddox g is the serious italian that talks with his hands and very handsome... my 4 yr old is like yours.. he told his pre-k teacher she had "a pretty ass"... I swear I don't know where he got THAT!
@sissylala I know right my bd made a comment saying these nuts the kids were outside two days later giovanni started screaming these nuts making smart ass comments. I was like aww damn
Wow, my girly is the 3rd Layla in this post! Her middle name is Sunshine and she is due on October 5th. Is Layla becoming super popular? My name is Sarah and growing up there were always 2 or 3 of us in a classroom.
-Da'Myrian Ja'Khi Taylor
-Da'Myran Ja'khi Taylor
-Da'Myree Ja'kyran Taylor
Don't know ugh