Anybody sleep all the time? Third trimester

edited September 2011 in Third Trimester
Its just like being back into the first trimester again. I sleep ALL the time. I work in the mornings & when I get off...i take a nap for about 4 hrs. I stay up til time to go get my bf & I stay up with him for a little while...& then im right back to sleep til morning.(other than the 10 bathroom trips I take). I feel like I sleep more than im awake. Does anybody else sleep like this?


  • I sleep about 16 hours a day maybe even more.
  • I sleep whenever my 2yo is sleeping... I get as much as I can cos I know I wont be sleeping later lol
  • I wish I could. I am so exhausted but by the time I get off work its time to make dinner then my bf gets home we eat hang out for a bit then sleep. I get no nap time in between. :( I'm going to start crawling under my desk at work for a nap haha
  • Yes!!! Omg I'm sleepy as we speak...but I cnt sleep bc I'm at work...ugh!
  • Ha! I wish I could! I'm exhausted but I still work full time and we just moved into our new place last week. So we're still settling in. Oh and I'm due on Saturday. So there's been absolutely no rest for us. :(
  • Im sleepy a lot now but I cant sleep I have class all damn day it really upsets me because I have homework and I dont fall alseep till all the reading, papers and homework assignments are done. I trying to figure out a way to do work and get a nap in. but if I take a nap Im not getting back up
  • I want to sleep now, I take a nap in my office during lunch... I relate, wanna sleep all the time...
  • I want to but I can't get comfortable enough or I'm constantly up to pee. I get no more than a couple hrs at a time max, that's with a sleep aid
  • @shelshay yea im there with you!
  • Thats all I do now infact just slept for three hours now ;)
  • Me! All of a sudden my naps are coming back and for like 3-3 1/2 hours.
  • I sleep alot. It's great!
  • I sleep a lot..everytime i eat i'm out 5 mins later..hell if i close my eyes for a few seconds i get
  • I would if I could... but I'm always either babysitting or doing something for my mil.... I'm lucky to get 8 hours at night
  • I'm right there with u @momma_erica. I'm so exhausted all the time but I'm in so much pain and can't get comfortable I barely get any sleep at night...maybe a couple hours.
  • i sleep a lot too. my schedule is so messed up since my finace works nights and has school during the day. i usually sleep from 3am-1pm (he gets out of school at 1:30), i stay up to eat and chill till he goes to bed about 3pm- i usually take my afternoon nap then.. sleep till 6-7pm, get up for dinner. stay up till 10pm to wake him up. then stay up till 3am to text him while he works night shift since thats our only time together.
  • I am too uncomfortable to sleep much. Im such a baby about it too. Ill be sooooo tired and can't get comfortable and literally start to cry BC I can't go to sleep.
  • I would if I had the time. Between working 40 hours a week, making dinner, laundry, cleaning, and spending maybe an hour with bf there's no time for sleep.
  • Hell yea..& eat & pee lol..ive gained 22 pounds & im 32 weeks pregnant
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