wow...anyone got any advice for a teen mom to be?...

edited September 2011 in Pregnant
I just found out my baby cousin is 2 months pregnant...
She's 15...
I wanna b there for her and would like some advice...


  • moral support is the best kind you can offer her.. its going to be tough for her.. give her alot of encouragemnent to continue education and you can help her start looking for a hs thast better suited for teen moms.. i went to a hs for pregnant teens and it was great.. they also provided daycare wich is much needed to keep you focused.. ill also pray that everything turns out ..
  • Just support her & dont pass judgement on her. Whats done is done already so what she really needs is guidance & support.
  • Yes they are right......i am a teen mom myself and its not easy but its worth it....just console her when she is down and make sure she has everything she needs and take her to some classes or let her watch shows about teen moms and how its hard but worth it
  • I got pregnant at 15 my self. The most important thing is to be there for her. Let her know it wont be easy but dont over kill it. Good luck
  • Ya I'm fully support her. She is a very mature girl and does great in school so I don't think shell drop out. I'm just nervous for her. I'm a ftm and I know how stressful it is. And she's my baby cousin and I can't imagine her having to do it :(
  • Support her for sure.. But make the options known Do not push her by any means just let her know all the options.. I was 16 wen i got pregnant but much more mature than most.. My baby boy Hunter is the best thing that ever happened to me but someone looking forward to an education may feel differently. Make sure she understands her body is still growing and that her bodys going to change after she has the bb.. (the possibility of stretch marks, boobies lol) and dnt spare her details i wouldnt take hunter back for the world but i couldhave had better information.
  • Yes support my sister was prego at 16 had her at 17 so support is a big one she's going to need it also being available for long talks and questions
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