circumcision, I need your help, peaceful please!!

edited October 2011 in Pregnant
Having trouble deciding ladies, I need help. To circumcise or not to circumcise?


  • ill bump my post with medical evidence
  • Thank you!!
  • It's a personal choice. It's not something that has to be done. I got my son circumcised, so I'm all for it. Goodluck
  • I say do it! You don't want him getting infections & uti‘s..I'm personally getting my son done :-)..but only momma knows best
  • This is gonna sound awful but here is where I knew I made the right choice for my boys.....I was sitting outside the room where my youngest son was being circumcised crying my eyes out feeling so bad because it is not necesary its done as a preference anyways 2 thing made me feel better one the doctor who knew all this told me he had his sons done too and 2nd I looked ove at my 3 1/2 and he was so dirty his hands his face just looked like a rag a muffin and we bathe him and brush his teeth all that good stuff boys just get dirty so I am glad we did it will just be better for them to keep clean later
  • I'm worried about the cleanliness as well.
  • I had my son done, he is 2 and never had any problems... My step son is 3 and already having uti issues and is not done. If his issues continue my partner and his ex will need to look into getting it done now... Personally I would rather it done at birth rather than older.
  • My son isnt.. just my choice though. Up to mommy and daddy..
    His dad will just have to teach him how to clean good...
  • I'm not going to do it daddy doesn't want it done cuz he is not but my family wants me too!
  • @ august22baby what kind of scary stories?
  • Wow, that's horrible. Thanks for the input!
  • I'm having a boy and we are having him done. I would rather him have it done as a baby where he won't remember than later in life.
  • I've heard pros and cons both ways, I'm getting it done on my son cuz that's what my husband wants and my family wants. And if my son is anything like me I get uti's all the time so I'd rather just have it done before he'll remember it.
  • My husband had it done at eight. Poor guy remembers when the head got really tight and he couldn't pee very well so I'm for it cause he is
  • So ladies for u to have it dne did u have to pay out of pocket or insurance or medical cover it
  • I think you have to pay for it out of pocket cuz it's considered cosmetic surgery now. That's why I think a lot of moms don't get it done. I've heard it's about $300.
  • At my hospital in cA it was only $30
  • Im definitely hving my son done. My husband is circumsied and its much better and clean! In the uk its for free but they wont do it until they r 8wks old.
  • I haven't got any of mine done my oldest @ 4 am@ kinder went to the toilet with a mate who was done he asked me mum y was ******(name ) *****skin back & I have to do mine ? He said he thought its silly n that he felt sorry cause that would have hurt him :( my boys have never had probs u don't have to teach them till there skin comes back on there own bout 3-4 Ull know as they like to play with it
  • I had a friend who wasn't and ended up having to get his done at age 22 because he was having sex and I guess the chick was dry our something and he ended up ripped some how lol so he went to the er and they told him thats what needed to be done.

    But my son will be. His daddy is and everyone else in our families.
  • My Medicaid covered my sons. I'm glad we had it done but I was heartbroken knowing what he was going through in the next room over. He was asleep when he came back and was only gone for 15 minutes. He didn't cry in pain or scream after he came back to my room in the hospital but I'm sure he was in a lot of pain. This is a personal decision I let my fiance make the call.
  • if i have a boy it will be done, my parents friend had it done at 50yrs old because he got a really bad infection, i'd rather my son have it done when he'll forget about.
  • My son had to have it done as a baby. This one will also be done, just so there are no questions. But sometimes circumcision isn't a choice, but a medical necessity. My son couldn't pee right.
  • I chose to have my son circumcised. I will also be having my next done when he arrives any day. I've heard both good and bad about having it done and not. It's a choice you and the babys father have to make.

    The blog post is very well thought out and well written.

    We're not going to circumcise because I don't see much point in it, personally.
  • I say do it. I have 4 boys and it makes me sad cuz I don't know how painful it is. I didn't circumcise my 1st til he was 21 months and it was awful. His urethra was curved down which is why they couldn't do it at birth. Before it was done I was always afraid of it being dirty or getting an infection under his foreskin. I mean how comfortable do u think they will be to pull back the skin to clean it properly and for how long. I think it just looks better and is easier to keep clean . My brother wasn't circumcised at birth and had to have it done at 15 because of infection. It was awful and of course he was old enough to remember.
  • Its not even a normal thing to do where i am from. Only happens if kid gets am infection and i only ever met one male that has had to have it done so i can't see a need :-)
  • I say do what the dad has. My husband is and I don't want him to teach our son how to potty, and my son wondering why they don't look the same. I will be also because of personal choices.
  • Thank you all for your input. I think the main reason why I want to get it done is that I have never heard of a man saying they wished they weren't circumcised but I do know of quite a few who hated the fact that they weren't done. Even if that is a cosmetic reason i would hate for my son to feel uncomfortable and different all his life.
  • I believe if dad has it done do it but if dad doesnt have it done dont do it. Its easier to have the father relate with his child and explain things. He can always get it done when he is older
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