im kinda wiggin' out here....

edited October 2011 in Pregnant
If u had a positive birth story especially if u went into labor naturally PLEASE SHARE YOUR STORY! I am not trying to be rude in any way but 90% of these birth stories I am hearing sound horrible and as a ftm who is getting close to the end (35+5) im starting to get really freaked out. I keep hearing about these inductions that are super painfull or that failed or these labors that end in c section or epidural that don't take.... and while I realize these are real possibilities for me as well, I would really appreciate some nice birth stories as im sure other ftm's would too! If you had a positive experience, PLEASE SHARE!


  • @sophiasmom11 thank you for sharing! So glad to know it is possible. Do u have your full birth story posted so I can read it!?
  • i had two quick labors.
    my son (4yrs ago) thought i had to I keep going to the bathroom..then stated getting contractions(strong period cramps) well went the hospital was a 9cm and had time for drugs
    and my daughter (1month tmrw) i went to my Dr. appointment and she recommend inducment since i was 40wks and had such a fast labor w/my first she didn't wanna chance me going into labor w/her anywhere but the hospital. so i went next door to the hospital and she put this gel in me and an hr later she came to check me and saw i was contracting (i couldn't feel) next thing you know it i have that pressure down there but also felt like i had pee so as if i were holding it all day it made my stomach hurt
    instead of the crampy feeling.
    nurse came a check me and i was at 5 the felt liquid wasn't water it was blood.. a few minutes later the nurse came back.. check and i was at 8.. 10 minutes later had my drugs-
  • @nameless wow sounds like you are good at birthing babies! Lol. Thank you for sharing!
  • But is the blood gushing normal? What was that about? @nameless
  • idk about the blood :/ they didn't seem concern?
  • No need to worry everybody is different...and I think the blood gush probably was part of all the nasty stuff that comes out wit baby, because a lot of blood is lost since u had him 10 min later!
  • Thanks @missq_1STtimemommy2b that makes sense. Have u had your baby yet? Was it a good birth?

    Everyone else..... really only 2 people on here have had a positive birth experience? Oh no!
  • Im a ftm mom as well had a great birth no drugs two pushes she was out.@314babymama1120 goodluck:)
  • @chanel22 thank you for sharing! I knew there had to be more than just 2! Lol
  • Lol no problem I kno some of those storys are terrifying.
  • My labor went very well. I had my daughter early at 35+3. My water broke at 5pm, at the hospital by 7, pushed for an hour and a half (because she was face up), but eventually she flipped and I had her at 8:45pm. Less than 4 hrs total, and all natural :) At one point our heart rates went up from all the pushing, so I was given oxygen and had to push every other contraction which was really hard to do because my body wanted to push, but that was the worst of it. You have no idea what's gonna happen so don't let anyone scare you! :)
  • Oh and I only had a small 1st degree tear and 3 stitches.
  • I had a great labor. :) only 3 hours in the hospital before I pushed for about 10 mins! All natural and no tears. I won't lie, it was the most painful thing ever. I was screaming my head off! Lol. And normally I'm a very quiet person. However there's an instant sense of relief when the baby is out! Plus I get to go home tomorrow :D and only that long because the little one is on the small side at 5 pounds 11 ounces.
  • @sweet1 and @starrxoxo9 Thank you Thank you Thank you! Im so happy to hear these good stories. I know it is going to be painfull, I just like hearing about these smooth labors and deliveries :-) makes me less nervous .
  • I was induced and ended up witj a c section, but it was an overall great experience. I would do it all over again if I had to. Just because one or both of those things might happen, it didnt mean it willl be a horrible experience. I am a ftm too and like I said inspite of it all.. I am glad I had the experience I did.
  • @314babymama1120 yes I had my baby on the 3rd (I didn't post about my birth story because I didn't wanna scare u more) I was induced and ended in c-section, I was so upset but found out I have a narrow pelvic & my 8lb baby couldn't fit but my recovery wasn't bad as ppl make it out. Everyone is different, don't be nervous we all are sacrificing our bodies for our angels!
  • I'm a FTM and had a great labor. Went into labor naturally at 39 weeks. Progressed fast for a first timer, was in labor for 12 hours but got the epi at 3 so I relaxed and was pain free for most of the time. pushed for an hour and 20 min and only had a tiny tear. Good luck and dont worry!
  • My baby is 10 weeks he us my second the epidural was a piece of cake! I was already at a five when I went in to be induced so instead of drugs to start it they broke my water eight hours and six pushes later my son was born !! A couple stitches and u felt great!!
  • I'm a ftm and had my son three weeks ago.
    I was in labor roughly 9 hours start to finish, went into labor 3ish in the morning, water broke 5ish, went to the hospital about 11ish and my son was born at 12:21. I wasn't even fully checked into the hospital and had just gotten a room lol.
    It was a completely unmedicated, natural birth, no tears no problems. My son did get stuck at the shoulders because his arm was up but that just took a couple of extra pushes and he was out.
  • Water broke at home at midnight (the start of october 5th) no painful contractions. I was already 4 cm prior to water breakage. so around 1pm they gave me pitocin. contractions weren't that bad at all but everyone told me to get the epi asap so I did and they checked me right after and I was completely dilated! Went from a 4 to a 10 in half an hour! And my doctor was doin an emergency c section so they let me labor down and wait till she was there. But baby's head was crowning so they yelled down the hall for my doc and after 3 pushes she was out! I even got to pull her onto my tummy. so I was the first to touch her x) I loved it!! Greatest story of my life!
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  • @stillsurprised thank you for sharing. Im glad I got to hear about someones labor not going as planned but it still being a good experience!
    @missq_1sttimemommy2b lol thanks for trying to spare me! Oh and I gotta tell ya, my 108646 stretch marks make me very aware im sacrificing my body for this little one... lol
    @excitedforoctober I actually remember your story as one of the good/ not scary ones in that 10% I mentioned . :-) Thank you for sharing again !

    @happymommyof2 awesome story, I hope mine turns out like that! Thank you so much for sharing!
  • @ashleyfew thanks for sharing that hun, I know there is no way to tell what my experience will be but I read that people who are anxious or nervous have a harder time than those who were calm so im just trying to calm myself down :-)

    @honestlyhopeful that is such a great story! Thank u so much for sharing it! So did the Dr make it in time? I would love to be the first one to touch my little girl!

    @littlefae OMG your story is my dream! I want so bad for my little one to come just like yours Did! Im so happy to hear your story thank you so much for replying!
  • @314babymama1120 - no problem, if you go to my profile and my discusions you can find my full birth story.
    The key is education and relaxation. Know how your body works, know that anything is possible but staying relaxed is the kay. While at home I was able to do my own thing I was able to do what I wanted to stay comfortable and relaxed.
    So, I would say stay at home as long as possible and trust your insticts. You don't have to rush to the hospital if your water breaks at home. Infection isn't a factor for the first 24 to 48 hours as long as you're not sticking anything up into your vagina.
    Good luck momma and sending easy labor dust your way!
  • I ended up having a c section. I went into labor at 37+5 all on my own. I wasn;t expecting it at all at that time. When it came down to it, my son was not tolerating labor so they decided to do an emergency c-section. It was seriously the best experience of my life. They first numbed a small area of my back with a small needle that didn't hurt at all. Then they proceeded with the larger needle for the spinal block. Didnt hurt at all. As soon as i was getting numb, I spread out on the operating table and the nurse put in my catheter and I was getting prepped for being cut open. They made sure they poked me with a needle to test where the spinal block had made it to and did not start cutting until I was completely numb. All i felt was pressure and pulling on my skin. Turns out a day later I was a little bruised but nothing major. The time it took to get my feeling back in my legs was about 2 hours but nothing bad at all. Just relaxed while everyone got to see the baby. Even getting the catheter out was not painful. I will say really the only thing that was painful was the first time getting out of bed and back in. But it was not unbearable. Just take advantage of the pain medications. The incision was easy to take care of and had closed up within the 4 days that I had been in the hospital. Trust me I know its scary, I thought about everything you listed above while i was waiting in triage for them to make a decision on a birth plan. When they told me I was going to have a cesarean i was freaking out. I barely had time to prepare myself for it before they wheeled me into the o.r. The nurses took great care of me and were all incredibly nice. I would have a c-section over a vaginal birth any time.
  • mine was great! i went into labor at 4:30am and it wasnt until 4pm-ish that i got an epi and had my her at 7:31pm that same day. i did rip but it was no biggy! good luck mama dont let anyones stories scare you everyones birth is different
  • edited October 2011
    I was induced at 2cm, 80% effaced, and extremelyyy low! I was two days before my DD and was having contractions but couldn't feel them. I started pitocin at 10am, had my water broken about an hr later, got my epi, then went from 3-9cm in a half hr! Started pushing and within 20mins he was here! Born at 8:25pm, weighing 7lb 11oz. I was only in labor for 10hrs and my epi was AMAZING!! I didn't feel a single thing and was laughing hysterically the entire time I was pushing! Only had two small scratches and was up and about... Showering and all the very next morning! I would do it all over again in a heart beat and really just praying my next ones are as fast and easy :D
  • @stbmilitarybrat your story sounds like mine except I was more dilated at the start of pitocin (4cm) and my water broke at home before the hospital x)

    @314babymama1120 yes the doctor got there in time! Lol ask your doc about you being the first to touch and hold her (: its an amazing experience!
  • @honestlyhopeful I will definitely ask him about it at my appt on Tuesday.
    @stbmilitarybrat your story sounds wonderful too. Did u do anything to help prevent major tearing.
    @proudmommy8789 that doesn't sound too bad either! Im starting to feel better about it all Thank You!
    @fwee you know my sister in law said the same thing about taking a c section over vaginal birth! Lol thank you for sharing how even a not as planned birth can be a good experience!
  • I had the best labor ever imo :D it was 15 hours long with 3 hours of pushing but still... I wouldnt have had it ANY other way....

    7:33 am they broke my water after I had spent 10 hours faking the monitor out having contractions... I faked contractions so good that I actually started dilating? LOL 39 weeks 1 day had been in pre labor for almost a month!! I got fed up so I just did the craziest thing I could think of! The first 5 hours of labor were completely unmedicated, but I only got to 4 cm completely softened, so I asked for IV drugs to take the edge off, about an hour later still at a 4 and the pain was unbearable so I asked for the epideral! Best thing I ever did! A ton of my family and friends were in and out of my room allllll day long, it was like a huge party in labor and delivery! We all pretty much celebrated while I sat there not being able to feel my legs, leaking water every where, just waiting for it to be baby time! I was starving my ass off cuz I hadn't eaten since 9 the night before! But I was having a blast. About 8pm rolls around and Im completely ready to go, I quit my epideral about 30 minutes before then just to make sure I could feel enough to push, which was a good idea cuz when I first started pushing nothing was happening I was just pushing with my face! about 15 minutes into pushing, my epideral started wearing off and wearing off VERY fast! I could feel allllll sorts of pressure and stretching and it felt like I had to poop sooooooooooooooooo bad I swear I was going to the ENTIRE time I was pushing... never did tho!!! about 2 hours goes by and he is STILL stuck behind my pelvic bone, epideral, completely wore off! The doc came in to check on us and said if he didn't come out before the hour was up I was going in for a C section! and I was like sweet, YES, lets go just take me in!!! and my nurse (whome I just freaking love) was like no no no you can do this! and my mom and John were starting to get all cheery and excited like you can do this sam yayyyy la di freakin da lol! I get all hellllllaaaa into pushing, screaming, fighting, grunting, getting all emotional and mad.... bearing down will alll my might! and then the nurse rushes out of the room, and I reached down and touched his head and started bawling my eyes out, ready to get him out, soo happy. The doc came in and got everything ready for baby to gtfo, and they took off my monitors and everything John came up by my head and held my hand. mom sat down below and just watched everything! The doc basically punched my vagina around his head, Im screaming my brains out with every push, totally exhausted, and they say one more on more you can do it puuuuuusssshhhhh!!! And I gave one last push! and POP his head comes out and the doc sticks his ENTIRE hand up there, grabs him under his armpit and says one more push!! big push!! I push and SLURP!!! baby is out and screaming and Im crying and freaking out cuz I want him in my arms NOW!! lol It was the BEST labor I could have asked for despite the legnth!!! I got to enjoy EVERY moment of it, and I felt accomplished cuz I basically had a natural birth, but I didn't have to endure contractions!! <3 Happiest day of my life!!!

    lol sorry its so long :D
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