So I've been having contractions for the last three hours ranging anywhere from 3 to 6 mins apart. I've almost been losing more of my mucous plug with small bit of bright red blood. I called the on call Dr and she said not to go in until they were 2 to 3 mins apart n got more painful. The thing is it takes A LOT for me to know if they're REALLY that bad pain wise....so do I go or not? What so u guys think
So I ended up going in at 4am with extremely strong, close contractions.they checked me and I was only 60%effaced and 1 cm dilated.i tried my best to do it all naturally and just deal and breathe through the pain, got checked into a labor and delivery room and got the epidural around 9am am by then I I had only dialed to a 3 & 70 % effaced. Soon after I got the epidural they broke my water and waited to see how quick I went. They wanted to start pitocin at 10 30ish due to little to no progression, but I ended up waiting and getting it at 230pm. around 6 pm I dialed to a 5 and around 730pm I was at a 9. Doctor got back to the hospital around 8pm,i pushed for about a half hour and she was born 6 lbs 6oz 20in long.
I honestly thought id be able to deliver without epidural, but I'm so glad I got it. The worst part was pushing cuz she just wouldnt come out butt because of the epidural it didn't hurt at all. I only had pressure and that was something I could deal with! Lol Shes in the NICU for some oxygen cuz her numbers are a little low but other than that shes perfect!!!!! & I'll post pics as soon as I get home! Thank you everyone who commented with advice and help!!:)
Shes out of NICU and home with mommy and daddy! the first week has been rough since im used to getting so much sleep and right now i hardly get any! buttttt im STARTING to get the hang of it! anddd heree she iss!! ::
So I ended up going in at 4am with extremely strong, close contractions.they checked me and I was only 60%effaced and 1 cm dilated.i tried my best to do it all naturally and just deal and breathe through the pain, got checked into a labor and delivery room and got the epidural around 9am am by then I I had only dialed to a 3 & 70 % effaced. Soon after I got the epidural they broke my water and waited to see how quick I went. They wanted to start pitocin at 10 30ish due to little to no progression, but I ended up waiting and getting it at 230pm. around 6 pm I dialed to a 5 and around 730pm I was at a 9. Doctor got back to the hospital around 8pm,i pushed for about a half hour and she was born 6 lbs 6oz 20in long.
I honestly thought id be able to deliver without epidural, but I'm so glad I got it. The worst part was pushing cuz she just wouldnt come out butt because of the epidural it didn't hurt at all. I only had pressure and that was something I could deal with! Lol Shes in the NICU for some oxygen cuz her numbers are a little low but other than that shes perfect!!!!! & I'll post pics as soon as I get home! Thank you everyone who commented with advice and help!!:)
Shes out of NICU and home with mommy and daddy! the first week has been rough since im used to getting so much sleep and right now i hardly get any! buttttt im STARTING to get the hang of it! anddd heree she iss!! ::
if you would've waited aby longer you would've had the baby at home lol