birthstory/ hospital stay

edited October 2011 in Labor
well i would like to first say.. it was a good l&d! i was actually couldnt have asked for more.. i was doing castro oil for 48hrs i tk 1tbls an hour or 1 1/2 hrs.. till my 4oz bottle was gone.. i started contracting around bedtime so i went to bed thinking nothing of it.. woke up around 1am w/ painful contractions i timed them for about 30 min they were 1.30min-2min apart.. i kept thinking no way thats too close this cant be real. so call the kids nanna so she could come be with the kids but be fore she go here my water broke!! when i finally arived at the hospital i was already a 6!! i was so happy!! i ask for my epi and got it.. he came at 6am that morning.. i only pushed for 5min cause i was fully dialated for at least an hr.. it was so great.. the only tning horrible about the whole thing was my hospital stay.. with the complaing insomniac of a rmmate.. her baby was great but she had companty till 12am then stayed up till3am that morning.. with the lights on bright~X( so needles to say i got about 2hrs of sleep total after laboring all night.. ugh thank god i only had to stay 24hrs.. i would not have lasted any longer.. with her.. i never knew people could be so rude and obnoxiouse.. im still trying to recover from sleep deprevation.. i forgot to mention his name is Adam and weighed in at 8lbs 12oz and was 20in long.. no tares either !! hes a dream so far.. he lets momma sleep too.. what more could you ask from a nb.. but love... and his big brothers love him.. well the 18mth old is still getting aquated. lol but im sure they will be bffs in no time.. :X


  • i meant to say i got about 2hrs of sleep in a 24hr period.. lol
  • Aww what a wonderful story... so thee castoral oil worked... :-D congrats again on yur little angel =) him letting yu sleep is thee best thing ever! hopefully im next... iwent to thee doc today and a 1cm dialated let thee self induction begin haha
  • Y'all have to have roomates at your hospital?
  • I didnt realize hospitals still did the whole roommate thing.
  • I'm so happy for you but sorry your hospital stay wasn't so great. I have given up on trying to get my little man out. He has no choice but to come Monday.
  • Awww yay finally! Congrats momma! :)
  • @mommimisha i dont know if it was the castro oil or just my baby finaly deciding it was time.. i was 3days past due so.. who knows good luck and labor dust.. @ExcitedForOctober thanks im so happy!! how you doing? @Samantha thank you!! @Mimii36 @LittleFae @sands3 well my hospital does have rm mates and it sucked but like i said i was one of the lucky ones and got to go home after 24hrs good luck mabey he will still come this weekend on his own like mine did.. he got and induction date and then decided to prove us all wrong
  • Yay! :) finally! Congrats!
  • That's true... it was his time... lol
    yur better than me with thee roommate situation iwouldve said something just no courtesy
  • Congratulations you did have a good labor!:)
  • yayyy congrats.... i haven't been on here in ages cos my fone not wrkin but i came on esp to c if u've given birth and am soo happy u did!! :)
  • Me and baby Zorian r doing great! :) just loving being a mommy
  • @sexysecondtimemom i dont get on much either still learning how to balance it all out and this is my least important thing to do all .. @ExcitedForOctober i know i feel like it all happend so quickly im almost in shock.. like i was with my first child.. weird.. but i love him very much .. just like a dream,.
  • That's why i chose the hospital that i did because there's no way i would share a room with someone else.
  • Congrats♥
  • @Steph_Due_101611 believe me if that was an option for me i would have but since thats were my insurence demands me to go.. thats were i go.. :> the nurse as she was rolling me out said come back in two years and we will have individual rms for all patients.. dam.. just missed it .. @myHEARTZx3 thank you.. :O
  • and i know what u mean about sharing rooms! i have kaiser permanente and over here the hospital is not with my daughter i had to share rooms for a while because it was over crowded. it was separated by a damn sheet curtain! LOL i really hope its not crowded when i give birth this time.
  • Geeze im on medicaid and i had a choice.
  • @myHEARTZx3 i had to share rms with all my kids but this one was the worst.. good luck i hope you dont have to share either .. its such an intimate time in life and it sucks when you have to share it with people you dont know.. thanking god it was only a 24hr stay..
    @Steph_Due_101611 Yeah im also on Medical .. and i think because of the cuts they put so many new rules and reg on where you can give birth.. i had a chioce between two .. but they had the same emenities so it probably wouldnt have made a difference.. at least i had great nurses though
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