Abortion. This pisses me off. No bashing!



  • edited October 2011
    Im pro life BUT the commercial is out of line! Its offensive in my opinion also.
  • Omg its on as im typing. I find it very offensive
  • Ugh its been on atleast 30 times Tiday
  • Ive never seen commercials ever. And the channels are clearly labled. This commercial is on all channels. Not just one specific one. And flyers r easy. U can just throw them out.
  • Turn it off every commercial break. Im sry but even catching a glimpse of that commercial if I had an abortion would get to me. Maybe ill go make a commercial promoting satanist, because although its a very misunderstood religion, ppl have very strong opinions about it. How many ppl would just say just turn the tv off? None im pretty sure id have a mob after me
  • Satanism*
  • I thinks its wrong to have this kindof commercial airing period
  • eeek glad i dont watch much tv..my tv is set on the preschool network lol
  • I def agree with you, that commercial should not be aired! I was always VERY prochoice, now that I had my baby my views and feelings slightly changed, but I'm still prochoice and think it is very wrong to have this commercial be aired
  • Ya we don't have tv at home but I stay at my parents on weekends and I'm glad I don't have to see that commercial 50 times on a daily basis
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  • Not cool. What channel are you seeing it on?
  • @2BeForgotten ya id take it very hard as well. I almost had an abortion with my daughter when I found out I was pregnant at 3 months.

    @myressa2011 it seems like very channel. I've been watching law and order:svu and I've seen it atleast 30times on that channel
  • Ughhh! I was watching that earlier but i left and wasnt home all day. Here in chicago a couple of yrs ago there was a group of people that were pro life opposing the opening of a planned parenthood and they had a bunch of posters with aborted fetuses it was horrible and got into a heated arguement with some friends.
  • I don't see it good or bad to air it. We all have the right to our opinion and the right to say and speak what we believe and think. And I think that airing it will maybe make some ppl think abt what they did to an unborn child and regret their decision for those that use abortion as a birth control yet I do feel for those that done it due to either medical reasons or cause of a stresser in their life. I'm not saying that I agree with airing it but then again I'm not saying that I don't agree.
  • Ya its on like every other commercial break! And omg thts sick! I'm pretty sure I would've punched some protestors in the head for being so nasty and morbid. Ugh
  • Ya its on like every other commercial break! And omg thts sick! I'm pretty sure I would've punched some protestors in the head for being so nasty and morbid. Ugh
  • Maybe it will make women think before they have sex. To either be on birth control or use a condom.
  • They can do it.a.diff way
  • There are very few situations where I believe abortion is ok. And as stated yes it may open some women's eyes, but I believe it will cause more pain then anything. That is a very heartless thing to put on tv. I for one would be calling to complain expescially with as much as you say it is on. Plus young children don't need to be seeing that kind of thing.
  • Ya I think its extremely cruel. Ill have to look at the info on the commercial nxt time n complain on their site or something
  • Everything on tv is offensive these days. I wish there was less sex and foul language. Wish people were just as offended about that as this commercial.
  • I have a problem with the swearing and sex too. But atleast they have ratings that can help u decide whether u want to see it or not. Ugh I just hate how often its played
  • Just putting it out there..I'm pro life. .. But I honestly think the commercials are probably not only to help save lives.but if you think about it..tons of women use abortion as birth control which those whom chose it once for their reasons would agree that is very wrong. Maybe its the way of saying so much of it needs to be stopped. Yes there are better ways to say that but in our world sadly the horrible way is only what gets others attention...also there are plenty of tv ads that are just as bad but I understand this is a very touchy subject..
  • edited October 2011
    I am pro life, yet i believe this commercial isn't going to help a single person, is like those nasty stop smoking commercials i have seen on tv, my aunt smokes and hasn't stopped because of the commercials. tv should respect the fact that people are entitled to their own opinions and choices. No one should be telling a grown women what to do... I'm pretty sure they know.
  • I think its horrible! Im prochoice and have had to make that choice, it breaks my heart each and every day! So to see that would probably honestly crush me. No one knows what goes on behind closed doors.
    @jazzi89 I totally agree with you!
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