Yesterday I had a brown discharge I had a hcg blood test and my levels is 46... I have to go tomorrow again for aother blood test to make sure my leves go up
I had the same brownish blood for almost 2weeks when I was 2 months pregnant I believe it was because I had a small bleed or clot they seen on the sono next time I went in it was gonna so I just chalked it up to the bleed passing its self. Idk if this helps or not but that was my experience with brownish blood during pregnancy
I just got my update my levels douple so my pregnancy is good doctor told me its implantation bleeding my progesterone is Alittle low so on Thursday I get to have a sono done
@momofSOONtobe7 I had a other blood test my number double up I'm 4weeks they didn't do a sono because its to early to see anything..on Wednesday I start the progesterone
I just got my update my levels douple so my pregnancy is good doctor told me its implantation bleeding my progesterone is Alittle low so on Thursday I get to have a sono done