she won't stop crying

edited December 2011 in Babies
My baby girl won't stop crying.. She had been crying for an our or so since my hubby went to work.... I've tryed eveything I changed her diaper I fed her. I need help


  • Burp her or maybe a bath? Or just hold her. Not sure bump
  • Tierd, gassy, overall fustrated, Maybe wants her daddy?
    try playing music. Turn on the water faucet
  • She already burped and I try that she did this last night but not this bad
  • Is it at the same time every time? Some babies have their witching hour and eventually outgrow it after a few months. Bath with baby might help some. If you're nursing maybe something you ate?
  • Download baby soothing sounds on android or turn on a hair dryer ....seriously
  • I went thru this for 3 nights straight. She cried for hours and nothing would comfort her. I was convinced she was colic. But it passed after the third night. Idk what was wrong with her! Good luck mama!
  • My baby is sleeping on my boob right now. It instantly calms her no matter what the issue.
  • Mine is 7 weeks, how much longer will the famous witching hour last?!?! It seems to be getting shorter compared to three hours now maybe one hours long but still exhausting. :-(
    When does it stop or does it get outgrown.
  • try a warm bath always calms my lo :)
    @frida314 im not sure whem it gets outgrown maybe when they are in a schedual
  • @Frida314 around 3 months or so sometimes longer
  • @Bahmamama4828 it is around the sane time..I had to have him call me and talk to her then I gave her some warm apple juice and she calmed down and fell asleep. She is a huge daddy's girl
  • Just like us babies need to de-stress. Because they don't understand the benefits of a nice quiet layabout they get out the stress the only way they know how, by crying. Maybe that is what your little one is doing. :)
  • Yes for me its usually 5-6 pm and I'm scared watching the clock Haha indeed always around the same time and sometimes another episode in the morning but just sometimes. Everybody makes it seem so easy and tells me just a few weeks more...Ohh please time hurry up, I've heard by two months and I've heard by four or five months :-/ its hard to just listen to him cry and cry without being able to sooth much.
    First baby here
  • @Frida314 this is my first also and she its a huge daddys girl
  • Try giving her gripe water. Prehaps she has gas she cant pass? Does she have a fever or is she constipated?
  • My lo did that this morning...I gave her water and she finally calmed down and fell asleep.
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