july mommas



  • Oh, I live in Wisconsin, where it is literally the frozen tundra!!
  • @beauty1189 We have the same due date! I'll find out in a couple of weeks when I have my next ultrasound.
  • My due date is set for July 23rd...however my Dr. Says the baby is bigger making it around July 20th. She thinks its a boy but not 100% sure.
  • Oh and I live in Wisconsin as well, and will have the anatomy scan on Feb.25th...hopefully we'll know before then...lol.
  • Due july 30 :) so excited finally glad to b in second trimester. :) wheww. Babys doin great! Saw my midwife yesterday
  • I'm due July 14 with my first baby and my ultrasound is march 7. I'm pretty sure its a boy
  • I'm due july 22nd with my first. I find out the gender March 4th! Can't wait.. btw the little one and I are from new York :-)
  • Im due July 10th n hope to find out on the 31st Hoping for a baby girl I have a 10 y/o son I want my pair :)
  • Im due july 9th and im from nyc only 16weeks and wishing I was full term
  • edited January 2011
    I'm due July 5th or 6th I'm 16 weeks and idk when I find out,I live in indianapolis,in
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  • Due july 1st from colorado. Dang umbilical cord is conveniently in the way every time we've tried to find out sex. Hopefully will find out feb. 4th :)
  • Im due july 26th & will know in two weeks I think they said. My boyfriend really wants a girl I kind of do too but will be happy either way & he better be too
  • My due date is July 5th. From louisiana. Find out sex of baby on feb 2nd. Can't wait.
  • iam duee juLy 4th :D find out thee sex soon && im from caLiforniaa
  • I'm due July 16 and I find out the due date February 28. I'm from South Carolina. B-)
  • I am due july 11 find out if it is a boy out girl on the 23 can't wait ro find out its our first from marion ohio
  • @sweetmama, where in SC are you? Im in columbia and due july 10. I find out on the 22nd. :)
  • Due july 16,,,get to find out the sex feb 22
  • I am due july 10th with my first baby. we will find out the sex on the 9th of feb. ...hopefully the baby cooperates! :) congrats to all the mommies!
  • From Massachusetts btw
  • Due July 12, baby #4! A lovely surprise for us - gonna leave the sex as a surprise although it's tempting to find out beforehand so we can buy pinks or blues. Have two girls (16 & 12) and boy (9) so we don't mind what we are blessed with. I live in Cornwall, UK. Happy healthy pregnancies to all u mumma's x
  • Due July 25. Find out the sex next month- hubby and I are very excited, its our first ;) from CT.
  • Im due july 22, my first baby! So excited! Had a very rough first trimester, but finally feeling better. We arent finding out the sex my mom and sisters are so mad about it! But I don't care we made our decision! Can't wait to meet baby!
  • I'm due at the end of july 30th, maybe the first week of august, we will see! My midwife scheduled my ultrasound for march 11th. We are hoping for a girl my boyfriend has 3 boys ;;) her heartbeat was nice and strong, about 150 bpm nurses guess.
  • Due july 7 w/a girl. Im in nc & this is baby #2!
  • Im 17 weeks due july 23rd......first born is 15 months a boy... now on baby number two hoping for another boy feeling like its a girl though...whatever I get ill be happy....I may can get a sex peek on feb.16th praying I can find out the gender!!!!!
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