Jaundice :(

edited December 2011 in Babies Health
Well I had my Lo a week ago (12/16) and his levels were a little high. As time went on they just kept rising. We were in the hospital until Wednesday and were told his levels shouldnt go up anymore but to check bavk with his dr the next day. I did as I was told but had to wait until this morning for the results. My baby is a week old & he is at a 16.8 level.

Has anyone had any experience with jaundice? What was the outcome? Any advice? I'm so worried.

I can't hold him besides feedings every 3hrs and I hate it!! Not to mention its torture being away from my 18month old :(

Christmas is Sunday & we won't be together as a family. I keep breaking down & I'm so scared & worried its something more.

Also has anyone heard of breast milk jaundice? Should I stop bf?? Someone help please!?


  • My son had jaundice they peaked at 18 so he was in the NICU for a few days under phototherapy. We took him home with his levels at 12 then the next day jumped to 15 so we had a billiblanket at home. The docs told me it was breastfeeding jaundice too so they made him drink formula while in the hospital and i pumped milk and stored it at home. Now he gets both breastmilk and formula to but mostly breastmilk.
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  • Breast feed! I assumed u are lol will they not let you nurse more? Sit by a window in hospital if you're able. No breastmilk jaundice is rare but if that's the case formula won't make levels drop faster. U can still bf with bf jaundice it just takes longer to go away
  • @homebirthadvocate they are checking him every 12hrs. His levels are higher today then they were on day 3. He got up to 16.4, was on photo therapy then dropped to 12.4. During that time I was breastfeeding and giving formulas. We got sent home and I started bf more and trying to get him less formula. It was only 24hrs but it jumped a lot. I know bf is good but I'm worried because he is cooms(sp?) positive my breast milk is doing more harm then good :/

    Also his Hemagloban & red blood sells are low & nutra fill & hema fills are a little high. Please ignore the spelling, I tried to type what she said lol do you know what that could mean? I'm worried about kidney failure with the hemaglobans. :/

    @bahamamama4828 they won't let me feed more then 30min every 3hrs. :(
  • I hope your baby is better now my aunt just lost her baby on the 23rd of jaundice he was 5 days old his bilirubin was 44 they never seen it so high on a baby before.. the doctors caught it too late they gave him a blood transfusion hoping that would help but it poisened his blood.. he went brain dead they had no choice but to pull the plug.. it was such a tragic loss I can't even imagine how she feels we just try and be strong for her but with me expecting real soon I'm so terrified now =( I don't want to worry you but just make sure before they send your baby home she ddont have it no more doctors always make mistakes!
  • :( Praying for you! My second had jaundice pretty bad, she got thru it at home though. Kept her in the sun quite a bit and constantly breastfed her.
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