What's the worst parenting advice you have gotten?

edited December 2011 in Just for Fun
o.O I have heard so many times pee is good for baby's skin. I'm sure most of you have to. I have never tried it though lol.


  • Giving my son cereal at month old
  • Pee??? Really?? I never heard that before
  • I haven't heard that either. I always hear that cereal one tho.
  • I tried cereal with my littleman he stayed constipated for a whole day. Then when he finally used the bathroom. It was loaded up. I wish I would have never took the advice on cosleeping. Cosleeping has its pros and cons. Next baby I'm def going to have a bassinet or the swings that swing side to side !
  • I didn't cosleep because my sisters still have their kids sleeping in their bed and the kids are 2 and 3. They refuse to sleep in their own room lol.
  • The pee thing can not work.. pee makes a baby chafed and a diaper rash when they sit in a pee diaper how can it help the skin. That my dear is false.

    I also heard about the cereal at one month.. oh no their little tummys aren't even able to digest it.
  • I was told cereal at 6 months because any baby food sooner could cause food allergies later on down the road
  • Ya I would never the pee. My mom swears by it. I feel sorry for my infant self lol
  • My sister and friend suggested cosleeping. They kept telling me it would help my son sleep better and keep me at ease. Now I'm ready to claim my bed back lol. I got so much I need to break him from. But I'm slowly learning and getting the hang of things :)
  • Crib next to bed with rails taken off or the cosleeper bed work well :)
  • @bahamamama4828 I don't see how pee could be good for the skin. It's too acidic which is what causes the rash when on the skin too long and then chafed bt the diaper. Yo momma crazy lol. Jkjk but seriously you should ask her where she heard that and what the benefits are supposed to be
  • My momma is cwazy! Lol heat rash lawdy
  • Ive heard peeing on your feet in the shower helps to keep them soft and kills warts. I cant tell you if its true or not.
    Plus the peing on a jelly fish sting. Maybe thats where her thoughts on pe being good for you came from? Lol
  • edited December 2011
    Water causes chafing and rashes too. A rash is just irritated skin. I don't think pee should be applied to babies and I do not think it is wise (or socially acceptable) to leave a baby in a urine filled diaper though. The urine is absolutely sterile for 15 minutes when it comes out. After that, the germs begin their work. Some people have had success with urine in treating skin cancer. Military personnel are trained to pee on wounds when nothing else is available.
  • Ive been told the whole baby cereal thing before he was a month old and I am ebf. Thank mil but he is fine :-p

    Oh, those nurses that now come visit you in your home after you deliver. Mine told me that babys don't mind being in their pee diapers because it reminds them of being in the womb and they like being warm and wet O.o I didn't not take that advice lol and was really starting to question her credability after that statement.

    My mil also wanted me to let him cio starting as soon as I brought him home other wise it "spoils them"... yeah ok, ill teach my baby from the start that he can't depend on his mother. Thank god she lives five states away and I only have to deal with her through the phone.

  • @LittleFae Madonna pees on her feet lol
    @Fate I remember my step dad telling me that. Very interesting.
  • Omg! That's awful! My mom is the same way...
  • When my daughter came home from the hospital in 2008 she hadnt been sleeping at night. My mother insisted that she had her days and nights mixed up and suggested I hang her upside down for a few minutes! I never did this! I would never do this, not do I suggest it!!!
  • I've been told to let him cry it out "and its good for their lungs." Here
  • The CIO method! I LAUGH at the CIO method my son was 4 to5 days old when i was told to do this!
  • @MichelleBelle my grandpa kept going on about how good crying is for their lungs and since Isaac hardly cries my Grandpa then went on to say that I should pinch him to get him to cry.... oy our grandparents/parents rofl

    Though it makes you wonder what we do now they will be saying isn't good when our lo's are grown
  • @LittleFae that's so ridiculous I had to laugh. It's scary our grandparents did these things though!
  • edited December 2011
    Whats CIO ladies?
  • @fate where did you hear about military personnel peeing on wounds? I asked my fiance who served active duty army for 6 yrs and he said they aren't...just curious.

    Most of what I've heard already's been written. I can't think of anything new lol
  • My teenage cousin had a big prob with stinky feet, it was bad. My grandpa told him to pee on his feet while in the shower & it worked!!! Never had the problem again.
  • @MichelleBelle - hahahah right?! I sat there wondering if he had pinched me when I was a baby... and then at one point Isaac did start crying while he was holding him and for a split second I almost lost it thinking he had pinched him. He hadn't but still that thought raced through my mind.

    I'm trying to think of others

    Whiskey on gums when they are teething (though I have seen some good arguments for its use but when you get that advice from your alcoholic mil, its hard to take it seriously....)

  • edited December 2011
    @bahamamama4828 crazy as it sounds..it works! Many acne products contain Urea...which is derived from Urine.
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