you know your a mama when....

edited January 2012 in First time moms
You know your a mother when...Your kid starts to throw up and you hold out your hands to catch it because you're no where near the toilet. Then you hold the crying child getting barf in your hair and that's the least of your concerns...u don't even care"

You know your a mother when. .you wake up 3 times a night with the need to check to see if your child is breathing. And they are snoring away and then u feel overly paranoid for worrying so much! Lol


  • Lol I do both!
    You know you a mother when you are picking somebody else nose for them lol :0&
  • Haha I was gonna say nose also. Also when pure covered in spit up but there's no point in changing clothes until the next bottle...or the next...or the next..
  • You know you are a mother when you get woken up by being spit up on then get peed on by both babies all in a matter of ten minutes...and it doesnt phase you lol
  • You know you're a mom when you actually go sniffing for poop lmao!!
  • You know you're a mother when you use the sleeve of your shirt to wipe a nose, clean a chin covered in spit up or slobber.

    You know you're a mommy when you give up a full night's rest to console a screaming, sick child, even if it is just to show them you're there to comfort them.
  • edited January 2012
    You know youre a first time mommy when the pediatrician office knows your babies name by the sound of your voice bc u call soooo much. Guilty lol
  • You know you're a first time mommy when you poke your sleeping baby to see if they'll move cause they've been asleep for 4 hours
  • You know you are a mom when you know about EVERY cartoon.
  • You know you're a mom when you hold your breath to listen to hear if your lo is breathing and continue to hold it until you've seen them in-hail/ex-hail at least three times.

    When you're holding a diaper of poop and comparing it to other poopy diapers on google.

    When you get thrown up on and don't even change/shower yourself until the end of the day... maybe...

  • @mama2be11_4_11 aint that the truth lol.

    U know ur a mom when all u do is sit & talk about ur baby lol
  • You know your a momma when you live in sweats, yoga pants or stretch pants and a pair of Ugg boots .... With a pony tail. While your kids are well put together.

    You know you're a momna when you no longer find yourself buying drinks at the club... Now,your buying Starbucks
  • You know your a mom when you can sing the words to every yo gabba gabba song
  • You know your a mom when you search through your purse and find a baby sock instead of your chapstick

    You know your a mom when your clothes is so old its falling apart but your kids are rolling in brand new threads and looking good
  • Lmao at these!!
    You know you're a mom when your purse becomes your diaper bag.
    You know you're a mom when you find toys in your freezer. O.O
  • You know your a mom when you pull a dinosaur out of your coach bag!

    You know your a mom when you get excited about poop!
    See, I'm not crazy, I'm a mommy! LOL
  • Lol @mom924 sooo true. My $300 coach purse currently has baby wipes & childrens tylenol in it
  • You know you're a mom when your hair doesnt get brushed til noon. You're excited for hubby to get home from work (not bc you want to see him but bc you want to take a shower) & when you can change a poopy diaper in the dark
  • @mom924 so true. Did it today!

    You know your a mom when you taste test...
    Aka is that chocolate or poop?
    Is that water or p?
    Are those raisens?
  • UUnfortunately I do that^^^ I also brush my teeth very often lol
  • @ripkaydence ok you win for grosses post lol. I dont taste tests but i def sniff test.
  • You know your a mommy when...your baby bathes more than you don't get to brush your teeth till mid afternoon or get peed on, pooped on, spit up on, and boogered on all in one day and don't care.

    @lilsugarsmomma I did that just the other day with my sleeve..silly me left the house without a burp cloth lol
  • You know your a mum when you get excited about your child peeing in the toilet...
  • You know you're a mom when you need naptime more than your kids!lol
  • When your little man starts to pee and you cup your hands to catch it n keep it off his outfit!
  • U know ur a momma when ur excited about a poopy diaper!! (*when ur baby's been constipated all morning*)
  • @davidnaadynsmama same here about the shower /hubby thing!!
  • You know u a mom when u leave your phone in the car because you was to busy getting a carseat and diaper bag!

    You know your a mom when you go allday without eating because you been taking care of the lo/lo's!

    Lol @LittleFae about the breathing thing!
  • You know your a mom when your Facebook statuses are mostly about your babies

    You know your a mom when you look forward to kids bedtime just so you can quickly pick up the kiddie toys and enjoy a clean house for a few!!
  • When I can do everything with one hand lol
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