chunky monkey

edited January 2012 in Breastfeeding
We had our little girls 2 month check up today...she now weighs 10lbs 15oz and 22 1/4in long, she was 6lbs 5oz and 19 1/2in at birth.

The doc suggest we start giving her rice cereal in a bottle at night...idk if I'm ready for that yet..she is growing too fast lol


  • Lol aww felt like yesterday my son was a month old....hes 6 now and so active lol
  • Mines almost 3 months and is 12lbs lol chunky monkey is right and she was 7.2 at birth. She hasn't had one bottle either
  • Time flies @jay_july1

    She only gets a bottle if I'm not around @bahamamama482?
  • Why did he suggest rice cereal already?
  • Because she is only sleeping a max of six hours and that is not on a daily basis usually she will sleep anywhere from 4 to 6 hours at a time and when she wakes she acts like she is starving.
  • Weird mine sleeps only 2 hours Max and acts like she is starving lol o.O
  • Aww. We do have chunks lol My lil gurl was 12lbs at 2 months she was 6.14 wen born she's on cereaL also an loves it !!
  • Hmm . I guess so. Moms knows best so that's your decision but I personally think its much to early. Like @bahamamama4828 lo will sleep 2-3 hours and wake up like shes starving and shes drinking 4 sometimes 5 oz bottles! But that's totally up to you! Whatever you think will work for your baby.
  • When my lo gets a bottle she only takes about 4oz. Idk I'm a little up in the air about it, part of me thinks its too early and part of me thinks that the doctor suggested it so maybe its not? She also mentioned starting solids right at 4 months but we will see about that. If I do give her the cereal it will only be at night...and only one feeding it won't be all the time. My dad told me that all 3 of us kids were already eating cereal by now & we turned out ok...idk I have A LOT to discuss with my fiance lol

    @mimii36 @bahamamama4828
  • Wow! 12lbs?! When did you start giving lo cereal @mrz_jackson2anpreggo
  • Might I add that alot of pedis don't learn about nutrition in Med school. Part of the reason every doc has a different answer about solids. My kids see a naturopathic doc who has had training in nutrition so its nice to have answers to any questions. :) sorry for the ramble lol
  • Yea she's a lil chunk an only in the 20th percentile for height lol I started at 5 wks cuz she threw up all the time an its helped a lot. I startd my other daughter at 4 wks pediatrician recommended cuz she was eating 4 oz ever hour an a half they both did fine wit it .
  • Lol no your ramble is greatly appreciated @bahamamama4828

    Oh ok @mrz_jackson2anpreggo
  • Mine had her two month check up two weeks late and shes 15 pounds!
  • That's what my LO normally takes. 4oz is completely normal. Your baby seems to be on the same track as most babies that age. I dnt see why your doc suggested cereal. Especially in a bottle. Its a choking hazard. My lo wont get cereal until she gets solids. At 4 months. Idk what your docs thinking but you make whatever decision is best.
  • At my son's 2 month check up he was 13 lbs 11 oz. he is now 3 months 1 week and weighs about 17 lbs lol he started cereal in his bottle 2 weeks ago due to reflux, but its only 2 teaspoons in a 4 oz bottle, we upped the nipple size and he has done great on it. He was already only waking up once in the night before, but now he sleeps from 930~615 but like everyone eles said "use your mommy instinct, because every baby is different, and no matter what a doc. says you know your baby best"
  • @amab13 I was referred to my ND by a friend and we only have 3 in the area so they aren't everywhere sadly.
    For my family, they are the best choice because our ND is really personal and caring with us.
    As far as introducing food, our doc told us baby led would be the best and healthiest and cereal, he shown us studies about how it should be avoided. :)
  • @pregnantelf my lo spits up too, but I don't think its from reflux since she doesn't do it every time she eats. I am in no hurry that's for sure, so I am def going to do research and talk with my fiance before we even buy it. She only wakes up once through out the night also...sometimes two but that's rare.

    @mimii36 like I said before I will be doing research and talking with my fiance before we make any drastic changes to her diet.
  • Ok I was just trying to help. Sorry if I seemed pushy. That wasn't my intention.
  • Yeah, I def think you should do your own research and don't go by what anyone says. Only you & your dr know whats best for your lo. Good luck:)
  • Oh no you didn't @mimii36 I'm sorry if my last post came off witchy.

    Thanks @juliansmommy
  • So we have decided we are going to wait to start her on the cereal...I told my fiance that I don't mind getting up and feeding her so there was no reason to try getting her to sleep all night...she will when she is some of the time I think she wakes up cause that's what she knows...she is not always hungry, like last night she got up 2 hours after I fed I put some music on and she fell back asleep without anyone picking her up to do so.
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