is it just me or



  • Not bashing but I'm just saying..
    I work 2 jobs, i nanny 2 kids from 8am to 5pm and bartend from 630 to sometimes 2am!! I take breaks to pump all day(sometimes even in my car if I'm driving around a lot) and my husband works in another state Monday through friday...let's just say I'm basically on my own here. .i had a really hard start b-feeding but over time it got easier and I'm actually overproducing now lol...but when my friends tell me "oh I'm just too busy to breastfeed" i think to myself "well damn I'm busy as hell but I'm still trying to give my child the best possible start"! Does that make sence? Breastfeeding is a huge commitment and is a full time job in itself...props to the mamas using their tatas for what their meant for!!! LOL
  • @teeniemommy my daughter had jaundice too so she would sleep ALL the time which actually kinda put her on a great schedule because she's been sleeping through the night since the first week!! LOL she'll be 5 months old on the 19th!!!
  • @bellareust I agree with you. I believe if they really wanted to then they would make time.

    I'm 22 (21 when I had my lo) and when age first got to come into my hospital room she was bottle fed by daddy and grandma because I was wayy to drugged up to even attempt to concentrate on feeding her that first day. (I had an emergency csection and was put to sleep. It took a while for that to wear off and all the pain meds they had me on. But that next day when I wasn't as "high" (Lol)..I put her to my breast to see how she would latch. She latched immediately and I knew that very second that I was going to breastfeed. I couldn't see it any other way. It was amazing. I has never seen or known anyone to breast feed. My family just didn't do it. Formula was the norm for them. I didn't really have family support as in encouragement but they never put me down or disagreed with it either. My bf was very supportive tho!
  • edited January 2012
    Great post!! =D>
  • That was years ago but thank you.
  • My son was born on the 28th of October
  • I had my son at 17 and was pissed when they gave him a bottle cause I wantedto. I nursed 6 months straight but he ate so much I couldn't keep up. I tried everything. My body would.t supply and demand like normal. Than again he ate 2 8 oz bottles every 2 to 3 hours plus food. I nursed at night toll 8 months which is when he started sleeping thou the night. With my second which I had at 19 I nursed a full year. I fought him to finish out the year cause he loves food and wanted whatever was on a plate. I pumped to. I know teen mom hood with school is hard. U graduated and walked at the age of 21! I am now 22 going to have my thrid and a college student.
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