2 more years walfar over

edited January 2012 in Just for Fun
So the news said if if people on walfare don't have a job n 2 years. There cutting them off. Wat do u ladies think.

To me its good n a way but if these parents dnt find jobs how r these kids gona eat now got me thinking this world is gonna end.
Oh lord people r gonna b fighting for food


  • Hmmm well I do think that the system is taken advantage of by a lot of people! I think that welfare should be used as a stepping stone to getting your life in order...and not as something that people sit on their whole lives. I have heard of people that take advantage of the system and teach their children to do the same thing...its kind of disgusting.
  • Okay yea sum people but there has to b a lot of people on this and if they all get cut with no jobs I'm just saying people r gonna do things to feed there kids
  • My mom needs welfar but she "makes" too much ugh. She has no job. The company she worked for has it under investagation(sp) so she doesnt get unemployment. So shes living off my brothers SSI which pays rent, food stamps, and a $89 VA check
  • I guess I feel like there are always jobs to be had...you may not want to do those (mcdonalds, gas station..) but there are always jobs (I only say this because growing up my "dad" would mooch off his parents and not pay child support because he couldnt find a job that he wanted to do...and I always thought that he should go work anywhere that was hiring because some money comeing in was better than no money! My brothers and I did with out a lot because he chose to be selfish)...I mean being on welfare for a few (1 or 2) years until you can get back on your feet, thats fine...but the people that sit on it their WHOLE lives..that is not fine...and I am willing to be that the majority of people on welfare are lifers...because its easier to mooch then to put yourself out there and figure your shit out.
  • I agree with @Ashley_smashley, 90% of the people I know that r on it take advantage of it... I see people use there foodstamps and walk out to a newer car than me..... people like that ruin it for that small percentage that need it.
  • Usually they will still give money for the children and just cut the parents off. I use to work as a social worker for the Welfare to Work program and we gave the parents so much help to find a job.
  • @2ndtimearound did you have a lot of parents that used those tools to find jobs? Or was it your experience that people would rather someone else take care of them? I think that is a great program that you used to work for!
  • @ashley_smashley This was actually a policy that was initiated in the Clinton admin. I think it is such a great way to make welfare recipents work to better themselves. I realize though that not all counties or states help their clients as much as we do in Orange County CA. Honestly to really help people the agency has to provide real help. We gave all our clients free childcare, a bus pass or mileage reimbursment if the had a car. We would give then help to get free work appropriate attire, would sometimes help with getting tools or either things they would need. We gave them 2weeks to find a job and if the didnt/couldnt we'd send them to an agency that helps them find a job through workshops. For the really difficult to place parents we would find them a community service job to do (they wouldnt get paid but it would keep them from losing their benefits, and give them work experience). They also have a time limit to receive benefits, i think it's five years, again the parents would be cut off but not their children. It's not perfect and will the economy alot of resources have been cut.
  • edited January 2012
    I believe in my state, the Max amount of time for welfare is 5 yrs. That's just the cash part only.
    I could be wrong.
    But you have to attend a jobs program so its not that bad.
  • idk regardless shits gona get crazy but u ladies r right
  • like wat I learn today ladies
  • Tough
    On one hand, I see people take advantage of these "support systems", and on the other hand some people genuinely need them.
    In my city, they put a daycare at the high school. Free daycare to teenage moms and then they made a whole housing system for just teen moms. (Nothing against teen moms, it's an example.) I know of way too many girls using their children too get into this free housing and the children don't even live with them and they house their boyfriends and friends. It's a big Party complex.
    Then they have housing here for "based income" It's a long wait list but once you're in, they base your total bills on what you make. I know someone who pay's $200 a month, and works BARE minimum because they don't have too work. They sit at home all day and play video games while his BM/GF lives there "unknown" and doesn't work at all.
    But there are still some that are using it too their advantage.
    Same thing with welfare... It really pisses me off seeing a woman so cracked out she can barely stand, walk into that office and pick up a cheque, but they make people who REALLY need it jump through hoops.
    I wish Drug Test's were mandatory, but unfortunately... "Human rights"
    A lot of people are just too lazy too work and don't mind barely scraping by with a welfare cheque. Whether they have kids, or whether some of us would still classify them as a child ourselves. They truly ruin the system for people who need it, and then these cut off rules need to be implemented.
    All in all I feel bad for the people who need it and will have a hard time finding a job but then again I just want that 80% who take advantage of the system to get a good kick in the ass.
  • edited January 2012
    No one shoot me for this but I think if you haven't found a job in two years then you're just lazy and not looking. There are jobs out there. Maybe not the ones a person may want but when it comes to taking care of my family I will take ANY job I can. But that's just MY opinion. If you are medically not able to work then that's different. But if theres nothing wrong with you then you should be able to find a job in a two year time span. I also worry about the kids having these things being taken away from them but IN MY OPINION if youre not trying to do things to better your kids lives then you don't deserve them. If you don't agree please don't bash. Just agree to disagree!
  • edited January 2012
    I agree 100% w @mimii36
  • @juliansmommy oh lord as soon as I saw I had a notification on this thread I just knew it was gonna be some shit. Lol. Glad I was wrong.
  • @Mimii36
    Can't argue with the truth
  • @mimii36 agree agree agree! There are always job...they may not be glamorous but some paycheck is better than no paycheck!
  • @Mimii36. 100% agree with you!
  • I think it's a bunch of bullshit to stir the pot. Just like they said drug testing also. Idk ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THEN WORDS. Just saying! :)
  • Wait...huh? Who is stiring the pot?
  • agree>/FONT>
  • edited January 2012
    l dnt think @txmommy93011 was bashing us, I think what she means is that the govt is a bunch of bs because they also stated they were going to do drug testing and that never happened.
  • I wasn't sure what she ment lol. It's late here and I am tired...just thought I missed something. Lol
  • Lol yes @juliansmommy is right. I'm talking about the government. lol
  • I think they just did it to scare people, I could be wrong though.
  • Looks like the order for drug testing was temporarily blocked by court order.

  • I heard Fl had it. But I don't keep up with these things. They always say one thing and do another.
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