When was your baby ready for baby food?
I have tried on a few different occasions to feed baby food to my almost 5mo old and he is NOT having it! He will not open his mouth for me and makes funny faces when he tastes it...
Should I not try until I see those "signs" that he is ready for it?
Should I not try until I see those "signs" that he is ready for it?
If your baby hasn't shown those signs you can try again in a couple of weeks or when baby shows that he is ready. No need to rush because it's perfectly normal at his age. Solids aren't necessary for the first year anyways. He has plenty of time to learn.
His ped had told me to first start with cereal than once he gets the hang of it move to baby food but he HATED the cereal...has everyone started with cereal?
I knew to try that first because I would let her taste whatever fruit I was eating and she really liked apple. (Hated pineapple!) I skipped cereal and just went with what felt right.
look at the website www.wholesomebabyfood.com it has a lot of good info.
I can't wait until my lo is ready for food but she is only 4 1/2 mo. And shows no interest.