You are going to write the damn answer! I've played 2 ppl now who just keep writing out the answer. It's getting on my nerves! I mean why would you even play?!
I quit playing with some girls who did that to... If you swipe your finger across their game (on the screen that has all your current games on it) it should say delete )
That drives me crazy, i think they just want the coins. When i play my husband, we do 2 pages of pictures then clues, it was pretty funny to see him draw lady gaga lol
Oops was that for me?? Haha sorry I suck and if I have no idea what the word is or how to draw it I do spell it Haha I try not to all the time but...guilty!
i know i been playing with one girl like that then i resigned n she keeps trying to make a game with me lol. just swype their name and delete should pop up.
@gatorbob lmfao Hahahahahaha
@gatorbob I'm with u on rza...i was like "wtf is rza?" I was too lazy to Google though.
wait am I playing @gatorbob? I forgot who everyone was
@mommy2ari I know who you are on there.