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  • Mommy2k11
    A lot a people will judge you in life, especially "teen parents".. but that's expected. I'm an advocate of being a teen mom @ 15.. I still finished high school on honors, went on to college and in 2 months I'm graduating. So if I could make it, you can too. :) people who are "grown" aren't even ready to be parents. We all start from a beginners level. No one just wakes up knowing how to take care of a baby. So whatever decision you decide to make, will be up to you. Not what everyone says. I don't walk around telling teens to get pregnant because it's big responsibility, but if it happens, be ready to put on your shoes & begin the journey. Good luck :)
    February 2011
  • mommy3
    These "grown ups" are ganging up on you & I'm sorry. If I knew these pyscho women wouldn't text/call me.. id give you my number & have you text me. My mom is a doctor & id answer your questions with NO judgement, just nice friendly answers & maybe good ole chat (: I'm sorry they've done this. Stay strong!
    February 2011
  • yummymummy11
    Hi hope you dont mind me private messaging you. I would just liek to say make it your choice and no one elses! My mum talked me into having an abortion when i was 17, i thought she was doing it for my best interest but later realised she was doing it for her own good as she didnt want the family to see me having a baby so young. I regret it almost everyday especially when it comes to dates like when i found out i get emotional and when i actually had the abortion, It really upsets me. Also abortion isnt as straight froward as just taking the tablet, you still give birth, I was alot further on in my pregnancy and the baby was about the size of your thumb, curled up in a little ball, it was horrible as i could actually see my baby. I just wanted to give you my account on abortions, Im not against them in any way, but please what ever you decide just do it for yourself and no one else. Please and if you need anyone to talk to im here for you. xxx Good Luck with your decision. xxx
    January 2011
  • Jorjiegirl
    Hi I don't know where you live but I am in Denver if there is any thing I can do to help let me know. I am pro choice as long as it is your choice. Please contact me even if you just want to talk. Good luck in your decision.
    January 2011
  • LizzC0325
    I'm sorry for what you have to go through. And please don't listen to the rude comments. Its your life and your choice. I'm not going to tell you what to do, or even what I think you should do. But I will tell you my story. I was 15 when my mothers boyfriend did things to me no grown man should even think about. I was scared and alone. I dint want to tell anyone, so I got an abortion. That was over 5 years ago. And to this day I still regret what i did. I wonder everyday, if I made the right choice, what he or she would be today, and many other things. I told the one person I thought would understand and they still to this day bring it up. So I know what the rude coments do. Make sure your making this choice for you. And not for everyone else and what they think. I wish you the best. And I hope everything works out. If you ever need someone to talk to, email me at
    January 2011
  • casnleslie
    Just sending well wishes. Keep your head up. There is more support than maybe you realize. Good luck :)
    January 2011
  • katlilly
    Hey hun
    there is a form of abortion where if you are early enough, there are pills that you insert into your vagina. It feels like heavy cramping, or a misscarriage. You bleed and its done. I had this done 7yrs ago when my first was 6 months old. I got pregnant while on birth control and I was scared. Adoption wasn't for me, I could never carry a baby for 9 months and give it up. People will judge, but guess what? Who are they to you? Do you hunny. At the end of the day you're the one who has to face whatever choice you make. Good luck baby girl! Xoxo
    January 2011
  • Mommy2_Armani
    Sorry last 1 wasn't for u this stupid iPhone sucks lol
    January 2011
  • Mommy2_Armani
    Yes just tell her its going to be hard really hard but trust me the yelling and cussing doesn't go on 4ever it eventually turns into support and help and now I'm almost 6months and my parents are kind of happy to have a grandson on the way but u just have to be strong through it all bc at first my parents tried to pressure me into abortion but I knew I wanted my baby so I stood my ground and fought for him
    January 2011
  • Mommy2_Armani
    Hi I read the comments that were wrote to u and I'm very sorry that those women who call there selfs adults act that way toward u listen u will be ok as long as u do everything in ur power to take care of ur baby and ur self I know 30 year olds who don't do as much as me for there kids I just turned 18 and I'm 23 weeks and everything I do is 4 my son and I hope all the best for u and ur baby
    January 2011
  • katmc1010
    I commented bk to u in a nice way. If u took offense to it then maybe it hit home. I dont have to struggle thank you. Never have and never will. Im already grown you got a ways to go.. Do u.. Thts it.. Dueces..
    January 2011
  • katmc1010
    Hey girl.. Dnt take stuff the wrong way.. Since you're tryin to do the right thing if u r pregnant its a step in the right direction. If ur not pregnant then keep on livin life free.. If so.. Ur life wont end it just means you cant just think about u.. Best of luck to u!
    January 2011
  • Welcome Aboard!
    January 2011