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- surromama
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hey hun i was wondering if you looked into the breastfeeding onfo i told you about for the babys parents?June 2011
You answered my question on the game. Ur having a baby for another family?
how did you decide to do that? That's an amazing thing.
May 2011-
surromamaWell, I am a single mom. I had a really easy pregnancy with my son. When I found out my sister was pregnant last year my body was craving to be pregnant again, but since I am single, having another baby for myself right now isn't an option. So, I looked into surrogacy agencies. I had looked before I had my son but they require you to already have a child of your own. When I applied for the agency I had a full time job so I wasn't just doing it for the money (although surrogacy does pay well). I have since been laid off from my job of nearly 7 years but it was perfect timing. The surrogacy has provided me with an income to be a stay at home mom for a year. I will be 20 weeks this Sunday and everything has gone so smooth. I get along great with the parents and have met them 3 times now. They are flying to see me the first week of june to find out the baby's sex.
Leggs2011'Like' thats awesome. When I was in my teens I thought about doing this. I always thought how awful it was how some families couldn't have babies. I still think about it. But idk what my husband thoughts would be. Is the family wanting to find out what the baby is? Are you guys having a closed 'adoption'? I think your really strong to be able to do that.
surromamaYes they want to find out. We are waiting until 22 weeks so that the doc can clearly see the baby. There won't be any 'adoption' paperwork. The baby is not mine biologically, at all. The egg and sperm were combined in a lab and they implanted the embryo in me when it was 5 days old. I really had to explain to a lot of people at first that I was not giving away one of my own children, just carrying someone else's. The agency I am working with makes all people involved sign tons of legal work from the beginning stating that I cannot decide to keep the baby, since it's not mine of course.