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- AR1020
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I agree with these ladies its nothing to worry about. I'm 14 weeks and have lost almost 10#. I'm not really sure why. Cuz i eat all the time. I do eat healthy which is something I didn't do before I became pregnant. I just saw my doc yesterday and s…
I'm due August 16 with my first. Come on august!!
Have u tried the electronic cigarette? Those don't have nicotine but it can help with the oral fixation.
I hear rashes are normal. I got one on my cheek a coupler of weeks ago. U can tell ur doc about it but I wouldn't worry unless it gets really bad or looks infected
Everyone get a fresh pineapple. They are in season and taste great
I'm not with my babys father but I live with my brother and a guy friend of mine and they are driving me nuts!!! Especially my friend he has worse mood swings than I do. I have yet to have really crazy moods but these guys have a bug up their butts.…
I never dated my babys father but he and I were good friends. But once I told him I was pregnant and keeping it he basically just ignores me. The worst part is that we work together and have the exact same schedule. It pisses me off to see him act l…
Maybe u are starting to get hemmoroids? I know that my tail bone hurts when I sit for too long so I'm usually laying on my side. I'm 13 weeks and it kinda sucks I can't sit down. I get tired of being on my side
I've got one on the ariola. it itches sometimes. I'm gonna ask my doc about it next week. I've had it for the past few weeks.
I get the stomach burns. I eat salt and vinegar chips and it helps settle my stomach. Maybe you could try thar and see if it works
@mommy3 that sucks! I'm dying to know what this kid is!!! I'm so impatient lol
I know how u ladies feel. I have my next doc appointment next week and I can't wait. I wonder if I'll be able to see what it is. I'm 12 weeks and 5 days now so idk. But I can only hope!
Eat stuff that has flax seed. It helps with bowel movements. U can buy whole flax seeds at the store and make a "tea" with them. My mom bought me some blue corn chips with flax from target. Its the archer farms brand. They are pretty good.
I'm in the same situation. Sometimes I feel like being social but usually I'm so tired from working that I just can't. And at the same time i feel like going out to a bat with friends just isn't right. And for that matter I would hate to be around a…
My mom was 36 years old when she had me. That was almost 25 years ago. My mom was told that I could be born with brain damage or end up with a learning disability. But I turned out fine. I think that all the new technology puts more fear in mothers.…
I'm the same way. I already want to but things but I'm definitely gonna wait til I know what I'm having. Although I'm buying a crib this weekend cuz I saw that kmart has one on sale for $99.
@daddytattoo If talking to her isn't working why don't you try writing her a letter. Tell her how much you love her and the baby on the way. Then express your concerns. Buy her some flowers and leave it as a surprise for her. Maybe she will apprecia…
@Outlaw_Sphinx and @dobiemomma I'm with you guys. I have a rotweiler mix, great dane shepard mix, american red nose pit and a beagle black lab mix. A lot of ppl tell me I should be concerned with having my baby around them especially the pitbull. Bu…
@katlilly I'm the same way. I would was my hair every other day or every two. But now my hair is already greasy by the end of the day. And all the lovely volume I had is gone. Its kinda upsetting cuz I've always loved how beautiful and healthy my ha…
@casnleslie maybe you could try doing some online surveys. I hear the more u do the more money you earn per survey. That way you can still earn some money while being at home with the baby until you decide ur ready to go back to school.
I have 4 dogs and they have all been around kids. My oldest who is 16 yrs old is the only one who has been around babies. He was always protective of the babies but that was awhile ago. But all my dogs are very well trained so I think they will be o…
Its normal for your clothes not to fit right but it doesn't mean that ur showing. My clothes dont fit right and I've actually lost weight.
I had the same problem but once I got closer to the 2nd trimester it went away. Although now my boobs feel heavier. It sucks cuz I like to be braless at home but I can't now cuz its uncomfortable.
I'm due august 16 with my first and I'm 24. Can't wait for august it feels like forever away.
I'm due in august too. I haven't felt the baby move I'm 12 weeks. I have a doc appointment on the 15th and I can't wait. I'm hoping the baby will let me see what it is cuz I'm dying to know. At my last ultra sound the baby was moving around like cr…
Yes. I'm 12 weeks and have lost about 8 pounds. Its normal if you have really bad morning sickness. Or if you have switched to a healthier diet. I know the diet thing its my case. However I hear some women dint gain weight til the second trimester
Yesterday I screamed at my brother for eating my salt and vinegar chips. And then I started crying. My brother felt really bad and was trying to get me to stop crying. Then his friend made a joke about me yelling so I started to yell at him. But I d…
That sucks. That means natural for me. Unless there is something else i can take
Thats f-ed up!!!! U should either a) slap the taste out his mouth or b) start calling him names. Thats just not right. He should know that u are sensitive now more than ever and the way he is talking to u is not acceptable
Yes it does. It takes about a week for the egg to implant.