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- Brookesmomma
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I also smoked through my pregnancy. It was really difficult to quit, I cut back but I didn't put a lot of effort into it. Everyone around me smoked so I didn't have much encouragment. My daughter is just fine. No breathing problems, low birth weigh…
I've had mine for about a year and I LOVE it
Scarlett elise
No matter what just make sure tour family doesn't suffer
Girl your time with your baby is worth so much more than another job. Right now I work 32hrs and school will be starting up soon and that us almost too much
Watch your posture. My doc said those types of pains can be from holding the baby in funny/lazy positions
Have you actually received a check?
Feeding my daughter
When I went into labor my bp.shot and it stayed high for three days after that before they started medication after two weeks on the medication I forgot to take it for a few days. I went to the doctors so they could check my blood pres…
I got the shot right after giving birth. I am now three weeks post partum and out of the thirty pounds I gained during pregnancy I have 5 left to lose
Okay thanks @doodles, @betty, and@ erkieshavingagirl. I wasn't sure due to the whole bleeding thing
Eh, its hard to say because of how inaccurate ultrasounds can 35 weeks they told me she weighed 5lbs 8oz. She was born at 40+1 and she weighed 5lbs 13oz.
I am due on Thursday and I also feel like she will never make her appearance!! So anxious!
From my perspective I wouldn't think she was trying to say you are huge. When someone says you've popped I look at it as you are at that point in your pregnancy where your belly is really starting to show and look like a baby bumb, or if they haven'…
For me sleeping with a pillow in between my legs really helps with the hip pain and pelvic pain...hope that gives you some relief
I have problems with my left wrist since november of 2008, I have been seeing a specialist and he told me he was going to stop treating me until after I have the baby because there isn't much he can do while i'm pregnant. He also said as my pregnan…
I agree!! Time really has stopped. Im hoping she comes early! Im miserable and debating starting to try some of the natural.ways to induce now that im full term!! I hope everything goes well.with your c section
Im in the same boat! 37 weeks today and having the worse time sleeping. Last night I tossed and turned for four hours! We are almost there
I also had my 36 week appointment today I am not dilated at all. Disappointing but she's not going to come till she's ready either way.
My cousin was breastfeeding and she said they wouldn't let her pump at all in the hospital. I asked her why and she said she didn't know so it might be an idea to call the hospital you are delivering at and ask them.
My hips and pelvic area are killing me too. Im 35 weeks tomorrow, she's measuring a week small so I have an ultrasound tomorrow. My friends are laughing at my waddle lol
I found out by going to the doctor with stomach pains. They said they would do a pregnancy test I just kinda rolled my eyes cuz I was on the pill and had sex one time in two months. And every single time id go to the doctors for something they would…
My boyfriend told me he was in his second trimester, but he was 11 weeks pregnant, he could feel the baby's kicks and that he was having" one of those fast pregnancies that only lasts 6 months" oh and that he was having a boy. He is so dam…
My boyfriend thinks it's weird. Alot of guys do
I've got 8w3d left and I've been cramping a lot too, the other day I had horrible pain in my left hip, it was terrible :/
Buffalo new york! Not too far