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- Frida314
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I'm up for a much needed challenge,
Great, how much for insanity and brazilian butt lift?
Muahaha have a lot of reading to do Thanks...
I barely came across this post...is it too late to post my email and hopefully get a copy emailed??? :-) capitanchayote@gmail.com My sleepless nights could really use some steam Haha Thanks
I've always been told as long and they gain or remain steady and don't lose they're fine. He is just following his growth curve and what matters most is that he has kept gaining steadily. Drs.seem so old fashioned and close minded at times. At least…
There's things he enjoys like me singing, going on a walk and his jumperoo but lately he is only happy a few mins and back to fussy, angry :(
When he finally sleeps he doesn't sleep as peaceful anymore he keeps tossing and turning and finds himself on his belly and screams. Funny the first time but not anymore, no one is getting any sleep.
Yes, nothing seems to help, tablets caused spit up due to lactose. Gels don't work or last, and tylenol doesn't seem to help. He's 16 lbs I give him 2.5 but might need a higher dose that's what the Dr told us at 13 lbs so he might need more not sure…
He wont take a bigger bottle before bed, the most he drinks at once is 5 oz and 4 oz every 4 hrs during the night. I don't think I can cut those because I don't think he would make up for then during the day.
Frida314 i added u
True, I want coins so I can buy more colors Haha ahhh I had a game of 42 turns already, and I just blew it Hahahaha
Oops was that for me?? Haha sorry I suck and if I have no idea what the word is or how to draw it I do spell it Haha I try not to all the time but...guilty!
Frida314 I kinda suck at drawing but add me hehe
I don't wear make up cause lo has sensitive skin, I much rather kiss him than wear lipstick ;-) I'm more laid back unless I'm at work...oh but he does look cute
I was so scared of that, he cried at the moment but did fine later. Giggled and talked on the way back home, no fever no fusiness no extra sleep nothing different. Bruised legs that I massaged but that was it. Now I'm.dreading the 4 month ones...
Red cheeks here too, not blushed but red
Prune or Apple juice might be too acid if they have reflux. Maybe pear juice, or chamomille tea. I found a formula Friso comfort I buy in Mexico and has worked better. We had tried all enfamil but they were all terrible. Between his gas colic and r…
He will be four months on march 13 so well wait. I'm in no hurry to see tears Haha but developmentally I do worry that he might be late on that. Thanks everybody for responding :-) I just love preggly
I'm starting to worry now...should I ask his Dr or wait.
Pear juice works for us as Dr said prune might make reflux worse so we use pear juice.
I don't get it, I've already installed photobucket pm my cell and uploaded the pix now from there what?
I wish I knew how to post a pix so I can show you all ltiny red bumps like in clusters here and there
I'm so desperately eager to start solids. O think it's so exciting...one more month for us. Sorry I don't have any answers...bump :-)
Oh I see, I always wondered what it was. Were still battling little dry patches on his head. But the rest was fine before aveeno.
Thanks..I'll definitely give it a try. Both Johnson natural and live clean. No more aveeno for us
I have no idea :( bump!
So is this what eczema is a skin rash or something else by definition?
Yes baby aveeno :( I've always used Johnson and Johnson but I was like let's try a more natural one... I just gave him a bath and used no lotion to see if it goes away.
I liked it, I usually buy mine in Mexico so they're cheap and I just keep a couple on the fridge. Have used it before, menstrual cramps and acne decreased while using it. No weight gain or head aches like I get with the pill. So I d o recommend. E…
He is 13 weeks, ill have to try and hold him a little longer. I agree with baths waking them up. He does relax during the bath and gets really sleepy eyed but when he's out and by the time he is ready and dressed he gets so cranky and then we begin …