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  • I am 22 yrs old and went to the Dr in January for fertility tests. Difficulty conceiving runs in my family. March 7th I took a preg test b/c I was was positive. I am now 7wks2dys and already heard the heartbeat. My husband and I couldn…
  • I am due November 8th. First pregnancy. I have only gotten sick once but I am nauseous & have heartburn all the time! Ugh, it's horrible. I have heard between 12-14 weeks it should stop. *fingers crossed*
  • I am 7wk1day. I can still fit in my 1/2 sz pants, I just can't button them (all belly). This is my first pregnancy so I am sure it is bloated and a little of my uterus expanding..but everyone has noticed. It's exciting!
  • I totally agree! I wouldn't let him go. There are so many other times he will get to go camping. He can skip once
  • Everyone has been saying it is going to be a girl. I don't care either way :)
  • I am 5'6" and wear pant size 1. This is my first pregnancy and I am only 7 weeks but I already have a firm I going crazy? Or is this my body just making room for the baby later?
  • I am due November 8th. Everyone is saying it will be a girl but I have a feeling it's a boy. This is my first baby so I don't care what gender it is. Sucks that I will be VERY pregnant during summer months in Texas!