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- Kayla_Dawn
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Lol good my familys always makin jokes bout how horrible im gunna b durin labor n they definantly r making things worst lol its nice to hear something positive :)
Prostaglandins lol n thats a horomon not chemical .... Im a little slow lately ha ha :)
It works if ur ready but anything that makes u hav bowl movements will because ur intestens realese the chemical that brings on contractions...my midwife said eating a bunch of prunes would hav the same effect lol and semen hav the same effect as we…
Any update ????
Oops sorry lol thats a cute name :) howd ur labor n delivery go? this is my first im tryin to prepair myself as much as possible @misty2011
Aww thats so awesome was she ur first??? @misty2011 Ahhh thats scary! Ill keep that in mind! Im bout 39 weeks due april 25
im goin to try lol im so ready for it to b over and to jus hold my baby!!!
Good luck hunny :)
Thank u :) imma walk as much as I can handle, hopefully itll get me ready faster!!!
Oh I see thank u @caiti5 Im due on the 25th
Ok I also heard it call ur bloody show...so thought itd b gross bloody chunk lol yay I hope shes comin soon im so ready to hold her :)
Yea my mid wife told me to wait till 38 weeks also...i got my capsules at walmart and my tea at the supplement store...i also got a pregnancy tea which is red ras leaf tea and other things added for ur cervix and it tasts much better than jus.the pl…
@pregggiggles...where r u at in the nw thats warm lol its still super cold here
We need feed back from someone...help!!!! Lol
Im hoping for a natural birth too :) im tempted to try them tonite but wanna hear someones experiance first lol
OThat dosent sound pleasent :( im sorry hunny I would call ur doc n ask them wat to do...u shouldnt hav to b any more uncomfortable than pregnancy already makes u if u can help it...good luck!!!
From wat I understand she said its jus to help soften ur cervix and she reccomended it because I also dont hav a man to help wit the seamen part lol but im diein for feed bak about it!!! She said to poke a hole in the capsule and lube it n jus put i…
I just made a post about this as well...my midwife said to take 2000mg orally and u can do up to 4000mg vaginally but I havnt tried im a lil scared still lol
I started feelin sick again too my midwife said its usually cuz ur uters is pushin aginst ur stomec n to eat smaller meals...its seemed to help me :)
Jus hit 38weeks
Lol u want him to do those things hunny...u dont need him to :) were all here for u for reals if u need anything jus get at me
Ya he wasnt around when he wasnt in jail either lol guys r confusin but u dont need to worrie bout them...its bout u n the baby now girl...jus do wats best for yall n if he chooses to come around he will but it isnt fair to stress over it n over wor…
@expectin_my2nd .... Ive done my hole pregnancy alone cuz my bd went to jail....its very tough but u can do it hunny jus think of the beautiful baby thatll b here wit u soon:) if u ever need someone to chat wit any time jus lemme no ... Even jus an …
Clove oil helps wit tooth pain!!!!tasts horrible works great
Oh ok lol I jus was lost its my first so im still a lil oblivious lol
Wat is the effaced % mean... Sorry I keep seein it n I dunno wat that means....@mz_sanders
Ya my mom had horrible stretch marks n I an 32week n aint got none yet...hopefully I wont but its all jus part of pregnancy
Tanning bed r up in the air...if u can keep urself cool enough ur ok but I think its too risky...spray tans r fine as long as ur well ventalated if u ask the shop theyll no about their sprays tho....only down fall I here is u get weird lines on ur b…
Aww moist heat helps me best...rice in a sock heat it up put it where it hurts amazing....