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- LILMzPregoTinkerbUtt
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The stations have good buffets and some on the strip are very high but the have this deal I do ever week were you got to like 7 buffets all day pass for like 4o dollars eat all day girl itz a deal
That's beauty weather were I'm from we stay above the 100z in vegas
Sorry for type os skype touchscreen acting werid
Ps babycomingsoon143 before my popa passed he broke down that passage for me when you train up your children u instill god abd the right choice for there lives when the grow up the choose themseleves as it say( when they go) which path too take the …
Yes I too was and still is raised in the christian home and church I did to stray in my teens too but the gifts and calling never leave you yes I was forced to church never hated due to the worlds chaoz but I love the lord and I love jesus I also wi…
I will be 22 !april 24 which is Easter Sunday which happen ever 4yrs werid and I'm due sept 25 find out babys gender today and as far as blaming it on the alchool I did enough for 21 22 and 23 on my 21st bday party in all the hot cities I think this…
Due sept 25 find out Friday bd wants a boy gthis babys grandma wants a girl I don't care either way want a healthy baby that's all seeing how its my first but doctor thinks rockstar(baby)name so far is a boy guessing by movement :/
Good luck to you and too you're angels god bless and forever in prayers
Congrats that's my bday hope u have a healthy baby that day never known others to share it with
Vegas girl what part,of vegs do you,live Oh im a vegas baby irs kool to know more women on here I have to full time jobs bet im sleep amd eating when I can always TIRED
Me both both me him me
21 and he's 26 my first his second be together 1 year worried he's gone treat my baby differnt then his first he son loves me but he acted weird @ first me around christian (son) now he all wants be around him his dad works a lot and his bm mad he a…
Sad =;
IM due sept 29 and sick n sleepy and moody lately 9 weeks 4days today and want it over first child haven't told nobody in my family yet my dads a pastor n my mom is starting to act funny towards me which makes me ad and depress goodluck to everyone …
@ least you beautiful ladies get to go mines(doc) get sick and cancel my appt. Everytime i m suppose to go and worst I take off both my jobs to go and never due get to go hope y'all have a healthy pregnancy I'm 9weeks 4d and still can't get to a doc…
I would report him and sue that company my dear but do all your research first like get ur handbook fromur job look up the law and use what you got a paper trail and figure it out girl prayers are with you hope it all works out
Y Thanks @ katlilly u to mamas xoxo muaHz
Idk@ as mommy11 its werid though I'm the ist in my family and this is my first praying for a boy cuz I gave my two parents hell and they say you get it back when u have yours :^o
I wish this site was around. When I had my first still birth that was the day my dady was installed to be a pastor lost my popa a week before and the my mc my second time around I end up up on suicide watch for 3 months blamed myself and sacred of …
I still have my utlrasound pic were I was in my moms womb it was cute then I didn't stop until middle school the hardest habbit I ever broke in my life my mom thinks my baby will do it. Pray not >:D<
Mines (bf) fierce and temper is convinced hes prego he laughed @ me cause I was going threw all the symmptoms I said okay I pray you get em so u can see how it feels well God must have heard me cuz he being worst then me cravings out this world ea…
God love is all you need may his mercy and grace be upon you for as long as you need himm there .it diffcult not everyone goes threw this but I have and your life has blessed me to relize u can still make it with gods help I'm sorry you have to be t…
Sin city baby how about u
Sept.29 first and happy bout it seeing is how I just lost my popa a few weeks ago god gave me a blessing
Cried yesturday went to kfc drife thru asked for all the side possible waitied 15min in the line then she says or were out of baked beans we 86 that and what else did u order I forgot to put it in she said to my bf face he looked @ me n said stop cr…
Thanks n everyones helping out much love back to you all When life knocks u down with drama remember you're in the perfect postion to pray
Now grissy I guess age of immature means nothing @ all
Yes new he called her and told her I was sitting there but she wildn out
Yes new he called her and told her I was sitting there but she wildn out
Did that girl but she keep calling