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  • I called the dr to see if I should get the bloodwork done before my sono on Wednesday. He said to wait. Doesn't sound too promising.
  • I was told at my first appointment this past Tuesday to go for bloodwork before my next appointment in 4 weeks. I haven't gone yet & I'm not going to bother until after the sono next week. He also said the sac is large. He said he's not too conc…
  • I'm supposed to be 7 weeks today. He said I'm either not as far along as we thought or it's done. I go back Wednesday for another ultrasound. The wait is going to kill me!
  • Saw it. No heartbeat. :,(
  • I'll be 6 weeks tomorrow & I've gained about a pound & a half. I'm so bloated though that I feel like I look about 5 months! I didn't expect to look so pregnant so early!!!
  • My EDD is Oct 14th. This is my first & I'll be 37 in Sept. I wasn't ready in my 20's or early 30's.
  • Yeah, my husband tells me I look the same & it's in my head. Tell that to my pants that don't button as easily as they did a couple of weeks ago. I feel like everyone must think I'm just getting fat!