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- Mommy2five
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I guess i can say my mil is a saint compared to her.. My mil never visits so i don't gotta deal with that we go to her house and we text or talk on the phone on ce or twice a week..
Yes your mom is watching over u and all your babies and she will akways live on in your hearts as long as u never forget her.. Just remember all the good times you had with her.. my kids always talk about tgere grandma and i think it ease's some of …
I know that feeling of selfishness i would do anything to have my momma here with me but also my mom was very sick for two years before passing away so i just keep telling myself atleast she's no longer suffering and thats what gets me through the r…
I know exactully how u feel.. I lost my mom a year ago this month.. I was pregnant with my daughter.. It was very hard on me because she was tgere when i had all my boys.. I can tell u the pain never really goes away.. It gets a little better as tim…
Yeah it's pretty nice people always give stuff away anything from furniture to picture frames and everything in between..
Yahoo has this thing called freecycle they have it in tons of states and cities and people always are giving nice stuff away.. Might be worth looking at.. I got alit of stuff when i was pregnant,with my daughter.. Clothes, bassent, diaper bag, baby …
Glad that little girl gets to be with her daddy.. Sounds like her mom isn't very respisible.. I hope her mom wasn't tgat selfish and not feeding her.. That just breaks my heart how some people can neglect there kids.. Glad she's now with people who…
My husband and sister will be in there with me.. My mom passed aw ay last year while i was pregnant witj my daughter. With my daughter i had my hubby, sister, bestfriend,.sister in law and mother in law.. That was enough to drive me crazy now it's j…
Poor little girl.. I can't stand women who have kuds and obviosly care more about some damn man,tgan there own flesh and blood tgat tgey carried fir nine months and gave birth to.. The nerve if some people to even put there self into the catogory o…
Went to er baby's heartbeat is fine but doctors office called back finally they want me to come in there this afternoon for another heatbeat check and possible u/s to make sure all is well..
Ok thanks heading to the er
@Fwee that's close to newark when are u due
Newark it's about 30 minutes from columbus.. Due 11/5/11
Hope you get your little boy.. Sending lots of blue dust... My gender scan is next wensday.. I can't wait lol
I just started reading this thread and all i could do was cry.. I have a set of twin boys that were born at 30 weeks.. Now they are 5 years old and healthly as can be.. Prayers going out to you and your family.. Your wifey is a very strong woman. Go…
The hubby is at work but it's a good thing i have some antacids the doctor prescribed :)
We had chili for dinner now i'm starting to regret that choice.. I now have heartburn:(
Maraela no clue on the middle name
A good friend of mine is doing something like that cause alot of her famy lives in other states and if they send gifts she wants them to be ablevto see her open them.. She also has a blog and even has recorded her ultrasounds.. If my friends and fam…
2 & 5 both very cute i like 2 alot though good luck with the name selection.
I had my oldest and first child whixh was a boy exactually on his due date.. Every persons body is different.
Yes i do have my hands full but i get to be a stay at home mom my husband has his own business plus does side jobs and i own our house so i never felt the need to work in the past four years tgat we've been together. But i would like to go back to s…
Thanks everyone for welcoming me. It's nice to have other mom's to talk to.
I'm pretty syre i'm gonna have a boy.. My husband wants a little boy he adopted all my boys but wants one biologically his.. All i care about is the baby being healthly..
Yeah kids are alot stronger than us.. But qyestion is do you want her in there and will the hosputal allow it.. It might scare her into practiceing abstinece might be a goid thing
I find out on the 22nd what i'm having.. Hopein for another girl but i have a strong feeling that it's a boy.
19weeks and 3 days
Ok i'm new to this site.. But i'm pregnant with my sixth child. I went natural with all my babys even my twins. I always had alot of people in the delivery room with me so the distractions helped alot. Also up walking around and the rocking chair he…