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- Nykolle
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Omg im 28 weeks today and this is my second pregnancy and it was not this hard with my first. I CANNOT reach my hoohaa what so ever. Its so pitiful. I absolutely hate hair so I have to shave. Thankfully my husband has no problem helping me. But the …
I love when my husband rubs my bump lol
Im 28 weeks with a girl and I just did this and it stuck
Thank you so much for asking this. We have a female boston terrier and im not really scared of her mean aggressive but getting jealous and accidently scratchin our daughter. Shes still a baby as well so shes very loving and always in our laps lol
As long as your not in pain it should be fine. Just dont be to rough. Me and my husband were kinda rough before we found out I was pregnant and we did it rough once and I had pain that felt like I was dying. Im now 7 months and its even harder now,m…
My husbands family is very prone to huge babies. I think out of all his siblings the smallest was 9lbs4oz. So im terrified and this is my second and my first was a boy 8lbs5oz. I was 6lbs9oz though. As soon as im in the clearing that our Brileigh wi…
Ill be 28 weeks/7 months monday. Im due may 2nd. We cant wait to meet our adorable baby girl.
I feel like a whale so I would love it when somebody calls me hot or a milf lol
My husband also started gettin my heartburn a couple days ago. Which is fine with me,as long as I dont have it cuz it was horrible. Guess he truly loves me.
Yeah I can go a week without goin poo. And when I go to the bathroom it feels like I have to poo but nothing comes out and im not constipated. This morning I woke up with the most excrusiating pain in my tummy and rear end. I went to the bathroom an…
I have this right now as well. I havent askef my doc yet but I hope its nothing.
Im 27 weeks and 1 day :) having a beautiful baby girl named Brileigh Payton.
My husband has gained about 15lbs and eats all the time. He also is slightly moody lol he is a little self conscience about the extra pounds because he used to be super built so now hes working out again. Ill be 7 months monday. Were super excited a…
5/2/11 with a girl named brileigh payton. Shower on march 12th. :) yay.
I used the cheapest ones from the dollar store. It was dollar for one and it was correct. Im not 27 weeks today :)
Im having a girl. Im gonna be 27 weeks on monday. Were so excited. My husband is estactic about our little girl. Her name is Brileigh Payton.
My shower is on march 12th and im due may 2nd. Were having a girl so its animal print with pink and green. Im soooo excited. My stepmom is throwing it. I cant wait :)
Im 27 weeks on monday and were havin a girl named Brileigh Payton on may 2nd.
@mariacon I do the EXACT same thing. I thought I was the only person that did this haha
Yeah I feel so bad for the girls on here that talk about bein alone. My husband is so incredible,he can be a pain in my ass at times but the majority of the time hes amazing. My birthday is sunday and he got our daughters car seat,stroller,and swing…
@mrshudson11 my son was born sept 11 09 and I look at it as he was the best thing to happen that day.
I like layne for a boy. And loreli for a girl. Lol
I completely believe that old wives tale,i had it with my son and he had a head ful of hair. Me and my husband both have thick black hair so I'm sure our daughter will also lol plus the heartburn is way worse this time.
Baby shower on march 12th and couldnt be more excited. :) my birthday is tjis sunday and were goin to the cheesecake factory,yummmmmmm. Ugh anybody else get heartburn from hell? I got it really bad right now and I already took my medicine.
Yeah I have that feelin right now actually :(
I had a mustang when we found out I was pregnant and thst was my first car and I LOVED it, but the back seat is sooooooo small and impossible to get to so we sold out and bought a older model 4 door civic. I strongly recommend it! It also took my c…
I was walking into my doctors office when some guys in a work truck passed by and would not stop staring at me.so I cussed them out and held up my hand and was like "these rings are on my hands for a reason" lol
@yummymummy I think a better majority of us are from the usa and we dont have mothercare here lol
@gamommaof2 are you from georgia? If so what part.. Im 26 weeks on monday and live in ga as well.
Advice for what exactly. Me and my husband are also newlyweds and I'm also 21 and my husband is 25