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- Tyiesha
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I'm 5 weeks ,due oct 4, and we r so happy, congrats everyone.
Yes a animal theme would be nice I just came from a shower with animals and everyone loved it.
Don't ever let anyone make u look down on ur self. Take ur son and y'all go out together and have a talk with your husband but before you do that. Pray and ask god to give u the right words to say.good luck.
My god bless you, the power of prayer is everything. I wish u the best keep ur head up and stay prayed up.
I agree u can be prego but to be on the safe side go to ur obgyn. Good luck
I'm due oct 4 with my 2nd and this is my boy friend first and we are so happy. Congrats everyone.
Awwwww that's what's up congratz to u too.
I'm praying for u and your baby, I hope u find somewhere to live soon. Stay in prayer good luck.
Thanks congrats to u too.
Awwwww I hope it's right i want a girl.
Hi this sound like fun due date oct 4 Me Me Me Him Me Him