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- baby001
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I wasn't due till Oct. 22
At 33 weeks he was 3.5 lbs I go again Monday to see if he's growing more their worried he's to small
Me either... I guess when I know more ill ask you more questions if that's OK with you?? @homebirthadvocate
@homebirthadvocate last time she said it looks like I have a tilted placenta if that means anything to you... I tried looking it up but getting nowhere.
@lmelanson no she just said will wait to see how next week goes and I have to see her twice a week now. Bit she didn't want to go into details till the next appointment on the 15 th witch feels so far away!
@bentleysmommy thank you for your response make me feel a little better now I guess I have two long weeks of waiting!
Sept. 6 I couldn't believe they would wait so long to do one either... I don't think my doc is very good but I feel like I'm to far in to change doctors @bentleysmommy
@ bentleysmommy no I made sure to ask BC I've herd of a tilted uterus but not placenta but she just acted like she didn't want to get into it till the ultrasound also I was measuring at 29 two weeks ago and today I was measuring at 27 witch I though…
2 weeks for the ultrasound and I'm 31+4 weeks. @lindseynicole96
Thanks ladies
west communication
I hate it... even when hubby touches my belly... I know theirs a baby in side of me but I've never been this big... please don't touch!!
not a fan Tristan
Well I had an appointment today but she canceled and isn't available for two weeks!
Vegas birthday weekend!!!
I'm hoping I wont have to buy to much maternity clothes! And hoping to lose the weight fairly quick the most I've ever weighed was 112 so hoping to go below that after birth
So far gained 11 lbs but I don't really know where I'm still in all my normal clothes! I'm almost 26weeks!
I have no stretch marks almost 26 weeks... and I haven't used lotion or anything... fingers crossed!!
I'm 24 weeks 130 lbs and still not showing : (
Texas I'm originally from Lubbock, moved to San Antonio then here. We met in San Antonio. We just decided to try something new so we've been here since February. The day we were leaving to move here I found out I was pregnant.
Sorry about all the complications glad everything worked out for you! No we decided to wait till next year to tie the knot. He wanted to get married in January in Vegas when I conceived but I want an exotic wedding without a prego belly! We actually…
Aww.. congratulations!!
Aww congratulations!!! Its amazing I didn't think it would be this easy! Besides being tired I have no symptoms. Guess I got lucky! Now just hoping delivery is as easy! How were your pregnancies??
I'm having a boy naming him Tristan clay. Yes this is my 1st ill be 25 when I have him... super stoked!
I'm in Colorado springs! Not due till Oct 22
Some kennels you can take them the day of without notice hopefully its Not a holiday. You kinda just have to call around and check their rules.it varies for place to place. We decide we rush to the hospital then when he got a chance to leave he'd ta…
I'm going to be in the same situation. We decided we're going to kennel them. It is worth it to know I don't have to worry!
I'm 24 will be 25 when I have my 1st baby boy on oct22