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- dobiemomma
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Kinda sounds like braxton hicks but call your OB to make sure. Good luck!
I was and for me it was a huge piece of cake! Got my epidural as well and 10hrs later...out came a baby girl. I'm nervous this time bc I don't know what labor feels like but induced labor was awesome. Congrats on the baby!
Due july 15 and at a gain of 21 lbs
We have nooo names picked out so you're in better shape than me. Altho we waited with our first until we saw her
@junebug86 were a due date apart. I'm due the 15! Quite frankly for as much as I'm suffering thru this pregnancy I need the days to go slow. I have tons and I means tons of stuff to do and feel I don't. Have enough time
@tnt2007 where? I'm in mchenry
You betcha! Just don't take the whole bottle! Lol!!
Mine is Aimee. Normal but not your usual amy spelling
Just go with lana. Its adorable!
With my first pregnancy I never took mine out! Even in delivery. I'm 27wks and have no intentions of taking it out this time. It doesn't bother me.
Its probably worse for your hair than you! I dye mine all the time. I have hair color a.d.d! Lol! Have fun!!
See your dr to rule out strep first. Strep and being preggo are not a good combo. Other wise hot tea, or cold drinks, what ever soothes your throat. Past that, is suffer. I know noooot fun! Feel better!
Who would of thought a sweet girl whom I've never met has touched my life n such a dramatic way. I think about her all the time and the receint news has me deeply upset. @jersey_daddy16 stay hopeful, my bf and I are praying for you! TEAM JERSEY!!!!!
Meeee tooooo! I'm due july 15th. Its sooner than we think!
I know in dogs the false symptoms can last for a while (sorry not human info but my family breeds dogs) so my guess is ur symptoms could stil be there. Sorry to hear about your m/c. Best of future luck to you
I'm sure there will be an initial freak out but then they should be ok and want the best for u and try to help u out. Its how my parents were. But don't wait, it'll just get worse. Plus the sooner u tell them the sooner u can get an ob. Good luck
U carry it, u birth it, u name it! My bf gets no say so in the name bc I dang well live by that rule!
Ohhh boy its horrible with your 1st pregnancy. "Do this, do that..blah blah blah" its all I ever heard! Sometimes I wish I could tell people to put a cork in it!
Leah is a really good mom. I feel bad bc she has a lot on her plate but is doing the best she can. Yea chelsea free loads off her dad but at least she's not a trashy wh@re like janelle. God I can't stand her. She's a horrible excuse for a mom. Kayli…
Is it suppose to keep weight off your uterous? That's what my ob said and said I should get one. @honestlyhopeful, is the one at target decient? What about price wise?
Preggo hormones suck I fully agree but bright side is you are ok! Be thankful for that!
Woohoo I agree, its a blessing to have such wonderful men in our lives!
I gained 24lbs first time lost it plus an extra 5lbs in less than a month and like @sdubois I was also breastfeeding
Maybe for a lil bit. Be safe tho. I use to ride horses and got the cabash on riding very early in the pregnancy. But horses n quads r a little bit different
I got the vita fusion mulitvites. Its not prenatal but it was the only adult chewable kind n they taste like fruit snacks!
Woohoo glad she's doing better! YAY TEAM JERSEY!!
@stevkam0911 she's. 16 and preggo (which is hard in the first place) and reciently diagnosed with lukemia. Her bf has been putting up posts keeping us updated. Last nite he was rushing her into the hospital. My grandpa just passed away from lukemia …
Omg. Let us know. *prayers*
I've never heard of ur income being taken. But yes it suck, whydo we have to choose. Like what freeking difference will it make?! I don't understand this government b.s sometimes.
Honey run, don't walk. U r very right for not wanting to be around that. Good for u to stand up and put ur foot down!