my gorgeous little girl Aubree Jane Thompson was born via c-section October 14, 2011 at 8:09am. She weighed 7lbs 12oz and was 19 1/2 inches long. I am so in love!!
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"If a mother who carries GBS is not treated with antibiotics during labor, the baby’s risk of becoming colonized with GBS is approximately 50% and the risk of developing a serious, life-threatening GBS infection is 1 to 2% (Boyer & Gotoff 1…
Ok, homebirthadvocate. You obviously know more about my case than the doctors who diagnosed and treated us. At the time I was tested, I was negative. Although I never actually tested positive, I know I had to have had some form of GBS. My son did n…
And thank you @jules and @excitedforoctober for your kind words.
No. I did not have have systemic gbs. I was pefectly healthy during labor, and after birth. My son was born ill, and it was pretty serious. He contracted the infection during labor. Sharing my experience is not fear mongering, and I really don't app…
If you have it, please do not refuse antibiotics. I had gbs with my son but tested negative. Early the morning after my son was born, he became very sick. Many tests were done and too many terrifying days passed before we finally found out he was b…
Here are the links. Babywearing Love and Support: https://www.facebook.com/groups/377237985638946/ Babywearing 102: https://www.facebook.com/groups/Babywearing102/
If you're on Facebook join the group babywearing love and support or the group babywearing 102. Lots of experienced members who can answer any questions you may have. also tons of diy tutorials and links to find some fantastic carriers.
Congratulations! He is beautiful!!
Yes! We are excited to wear our girasol proudly all week and celebrate my lo's birthday on the last day :)
@lacy809 the moby is great for small babies but unfortunately once baby gets too heavy for front carries it is unsafe to use a stretchy wrap for back carries. If you're interested you should also join babywearing love and support on Facebook. You wi…
Epic fail phone!
We love babywearing! You can wear from birth all the way through toddlerhood. I don't have much experience with Maya wraps but I have a girasol (woven wrap) that I can't live without. You could join babywearing love and support on Facebook. I've lea…
Ugh! Stupid phone and its double posts
Congratulations, mama! Love the name! I have an Aubree (Jane) too :X
I'm glad you're okay! I hope the other driver had insurance!!
How scary! Hope he's okay!!
Looks like a bfp to me. Congratulations mama!
Your own pillow(s) if you're as attached to yours as I am
Congrats mama! She's a cutie!
Accidents are scary! Glad lo wasn't in the car. Hope everything is okay with you!
Congratulations mama!
Oh my! I'm sorry you're going through this. Prayers for a speedy return to good health!
Good luck! Hope all goes well!
Thank you for sharing! I'll have to remember some of these points for the next time my family tries to convince me to take my daughter to the emergency room for a slight cough and 102° fever.
Thank you for sharing! I'll have to remember some of these points for the next time my family tries to convince me to take my daughter to the emergency room for a slight cough and 102° fever.
Congratulations mama! Glad she's finally here
I'm so sorry =((