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  • They definitely know. My lab cross took to lying on top of me from very early on, about 4 weeks. I think they must sense the change in our hormones. He is always very loving but this lying on top of me is a new thing. Just reminds us how wonderful…
  • My doc says the big belly that has suddenly bestowed itself upon me is water to protect the wee one ... so to me that's a baby bump, cos it sure wasn't there pre-pregnancy. Killjoys all you who say it isn't lol.
  • Yay! I have found something that helps slightly ... ginger root capsules. Holland & barrett sell them. I pour the contents of the capsule into hot water and drink it. Only allowed 2 capsules a day according to the bottle though and I could do…
  • Thanks so much both of you, will give all of those a try :o) I'm thinking if men had morning sickness, a cure would have been found long ago!
  • It hasnt sunk in. Months of disappointment ... yet this month I was told I wasn't before having to wait for my period. Not telling daddy till I do ten more tests tomorrow. Would love some nice ideas of how to tell him. He will be so shocked as he w…
  • Only just did a test today. My period was 6 days late, and even though the hospital said I wasn't, well I just wondered ... so no ultrasound yet. Biggest worry is they xrayed my pelvis, but I only conceived 6 days earlier. I'm also worried bout neck…