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- leivasd
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I don't think its an emergency bcuz I've been like this for a week
She's 3 wont go with any strangers but will they allow her in room
He wont be home till maybe Sunday n my family lives in different cities
Honestly I get sharp pains inside my hips n I can feel her really low
My boyfriend took off to Blythe a city 4 and a half hours away n I have his daughter n no license but I keep getting heat flashes n nauseous n puking n have diarrhea
I know exactly my man he don't really talk to his ex but it's bcuz she don't answer his calls but I wrote her on Facebook and told her we wanted to give her money and she called in a heart beat but we picked up the kids n didn't give her anything we…
I have applied for medical but my office is retarded I've gone more than 20 times and still on waiting list
I heard mine a 7 weeks
Going to er first thing tomorrow
Its like u know wyen your sick n u cough up flen kinda like that but almost white like glue n sometimes its watery just yesterday was thik
I'm gonna go to er tomorrow no insurance and my mans working two hours away from me also I have a cold n diarrhea and very nausea
His baby is almost 4
His oldest don't live with us and his baby we had for a week but like if ii say look feel he will be like I know never any excitement it sucks makes me wonder if this was a bad idea
In perris ca
He told me he wanted one always was playing with my tummy but feels like now that I actually am he regrets it
Thanks ill try it also I have been having some white stuff leaking. Been the passed few days but now I have more
She had said in two to three weeks
I'm at 34
My lil girl was head down but sratching her forehead with her toes
April 20 as well baby girl
I'm 33 weeks and they said she is overweight so I think it has more pressure
I swear I do too
Me but my man gets so mad bcuz he thinks I'm hurting baby
Plus I am very tired can't get energy for anything my man gets so mad cuz I am lazy but can't sleep or stay awake its so hard to keep my eyes open n my feet n back r in so much pain
I don't have insurance as well
But hey if u ever want to talk my email is leivasd@yahoo.com n my face book the same
Ya but if he chooses not to know his kids that's his bad all u need is ur kid and as it grows ull see how wonderful it is to him it's a big mistake but you'll see its a gift
I know exactly how u feel n sumtimes it's best to let it out just be care full who u take it out on I take it out on my man n he don't deserve it I am lucky he stayed by my side n hey if u need any one to talk I'm here
I feel the same way I just try n ignore it I get up. N clean cook something it kind of works
What are u havin