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  • the prenatal gummy vitamins r great I tried takin the chewable ones my doctor gave me but they tasted really gross. i compaired the vitamins and the gummy ones were a little low so i take 3 instead of 2
  • I found out monday that i prob have a blighted ovum too accorsing to my primary doc i shld b 7 weeks today but my obgyn says i was in my 8th week n he cldnt see the baby i go for another ultrasound monday to see if anything has changed he wants me t…
  • Im actually going to have my primary doctor recommend one for me hopefully it'll help
  • It is when there is something wrong with the pregnancy and they remove it instead of waiting for you to miscarry
  • Thanx....the dr. wants to do a d&c so he can figure out what went wrong which is another struggle if it so happens that I am going to miscarry I want to know what went wrong as well but then again i am conflicted with the thought I am killing my…
  • Thank u ive read abt some women who went to have a d&c n the ultrsound right before the procedure showed a heartbeat im tryin not to get my hopes up but its hard to think ive gone thru so many symptoms n theres no baby :(
  • Yea he did the internal ultrasound n said that bec of how far along i am, im 7 weeks, it doesnt look like the baby is developing n i might b having a threatened miscarriage or a blighted ovum. Everything is kind of a blur after he said theres a pro…
  • My mom hasn't been exactly supportive. She never wants to talk about it but she doesn't want me to tell anyone about it till I'm at least 10 weeks though she would prefer I didnt say anything til my second trimester. And here i am having no one to…
  • Im 6 weeks n dnt even want my boyfriend near me he's such an amazing guy n does everythin for me which makes me feel worse
  • I had morning sickness every morning until i figured out that if i ate right before i went to sleep i wouldn't get sick. Eat a bowl of cereal or some fruit it'll def help
  • @lisa91 i kno the feelin lol glad im not alone :)
  • @lisa91 i had morning sickness for a few days but noticed if i ate right before i went to bed i didnt get sick the next morning...i get a headache the same time every day i think my hormones r crazy bec im stressed out but its terrible if im not ang…
  • This is my first and im 5 weeks 5 days acordinh to my blood tests and im real nervous this was unplanned but very much wanted im jus havin a hard time being excited since we havent told anyone and my hormones r makin me a crazy person is this normal…