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  • @praying4our3rd Tbh right now this baby isn't my priority, my priority is my 2 year old son. I'm not saying I won't love this one if I keep it but its not here yet, my son is. I need to consider how this will effect him, not just what I want.
  • I took an early detection test before my missed period. just worked it out, was 8 days after we split I did the test so more then a few days, sorry. 3 days before my period was due
  • And yes its his, hasn't been anyone else since November! U don't know when we were together so how can u work out the timing? Ur comment is. Understandable but I am 100% sure who the father is.
  • Coz I feel involving the police will make it worse, they are the kind of family who don't take kindly to having police involved. I'd rather move then make it worse. they know where I live, I don't wanna put my son in any more danger.
  • I have no support, i would have to go to the clinic alone or bring the baby up alone. I suffered terrible post natal depression with my son, if I keep the baby and suffer again this time ill have 2 children to look after as well. I have so many thin…
  • Apparently I better not try get a dna test or I will regret it. His family have quite a reputation so rather not cross them
  • The father broke up with me 3 days before I found out, I sent him an email to tell him. He rang me said he didn't believe me, then he said it wasn't his, haven't heard from him since and dunno wat to do now.