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  • Mi friends brought their kids, an they had fun! they were able to play games. I didnt have ny problems until i was handing out gifts for the games and mi niece didnt understand y she didnt gt one, they can gt jealous. if they have an over spoiled ch…
  • @hayleegracesmommy i been having problems with swelling for the last week. Also wen i went to mi appointment i was having realli bad back pain an contractions, they werent regular yet. She estimated that he was about 7 pounds so she wanted go head …
  • I had to do mine twice.! :( mi lil boi doesn't like wen mommie doesn't eat or drink lol so the second time I went I had to tke mi nausea medice
  • Im prego with mi first an I'm 20. Ill b 31 weeks Monday an I'm havin a lil boi, jeffery maurice
  • **31 weeks lol
  • I started out at 115 but quickli went to 108 bi mi 10 week due to morning sickness! But since week 10I've gained 35 pounds. Doctor expects me gain another 15 pounds :(. ill b 30 weeks Monday an due july 4th
  • Unfourtantli I didn't have a choice lol. Mi husband wanted our son to b a jr. and I gave in :(..... he the onli boi out of all his siblings an this the first grandson on his side of the family so they been waitin fo a boi for 25 years lol it made mi…