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  • This is my 3rd pregnancy. Last time I had twins. I love feeling my baby move but I will say this time is more uncomfortable. Is stretching me out and love that knife to the vagina move. LOL. 25wks due 6/27
  • I am due june 25th for my 4th. Last time was twins. Also having a girl. Seems like we all r!
  • Me too. Getting my tubes tied after baby girl.
  • I am 23wks. I know it is cuz I lost weight. I put 20 back on right away. Depressed! Plus I have to eat when I have morning sickness. I have no idea what I have gain total. Won't let them tell me. I will lose the weight again
  • 8wk 5day hbeating baby. My hcg were threw the roof. I am the talk of the dr office. NO ONE can explain it. Hardest month of my life. Waiting to miscarry this baby. And everyday I had horrible morning sickness. I am very thankful for my surprise…
  • Wow thanks! I know all this now but it helps to hear it again. When I found out about this one I had no idea how far I was. The nx day I had an USound. They found nothing. The nx day I had another and they found a 8wk 6 day non vital baby. The…
  • Wow thanks! I know all this now but it helps to hear it again. When I
  • I am having a girl. Thinking aubree not sure if I will spell it aubree or aubrey. Haven't picked a middle yet