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- randilyn
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I've been so scared something is wrong. Glad to hear its not just me lol. This app really puts my mind at ease. Thanks for the tips!
I really needed that right about now! I've been so confused lately. And scared! Thank you!
Thanks! I actually have been reallly thirsty lately! Maybe i just need more water. One more question sometimes when I'm laying down like my left pelvic hurts almost like burning or something. Not bad but annoying. I know cysts on your ovary can happ…
I also had a MC last June. And I just found out I'm pregnant 5 weeks 3 days and its constantly on my mind! :/
I'm 5 weeks 2 days as well! And I randomly feel idk if its cramps or gas or what!! Its like little sharp pain not bad but I feel something. I miscarried back in June so it freaks me out! You can feel your uterus grow this early?
@Chloe_mummy_to_be I also had a miscarriage back in June at about 11 weeks. I just found out I'm pregnant 5 weeks 2 days lol due Sep 29. I'm sooo scared of miscarriage yet so excited to be pregnant. Trying to stay positive!
I turn 21 March 8th lol. I wanna wait longer than that to tell my family but ughh I know its gonna come out. Yeah my baby daddy has hurt me before but at this point I feel like if he wants to be there he can if not I can handle it. Well I think lol.…
@angel I'm due Sep 28 as well!! Very nervous I had a miscarriage back in June at about 11 weeks! Terrifying experience I had to have a dnc surgery. How far along were you? Trying to stay positive! Im calling the Dr Monday and getting in for an appoi…
Oh yeah they are gonna be mad I just know it lol. That's why I'm so scared to tell anyone yet. I mean he's not a bad guy but we broke up in Oct cuz he wanted space.. and my family had to watch me go through heartbreak. Him and I stayed friends throu…
That's what I keep thinking if I just stay positive it'll work out. But thought of misscarrying again is terrifying. @ lucky7 yeah my mom had my older brother and ended up finding my dad and have been together 20 years. I know if it doesn't work wit…
I just found out two days ago! I missed my period but didn't think much of it I had a miscarriage back in June and ever since my periods always seem to be a few days late but after 4 days late I grabbed a test. Positive INSTANTLY. I didn't believe i…
Lol its 230 here! My first pregnancy back in June I was not very happy it was very unexpected and wasn't ready and after losing it then I had realized how badly I wanted to be pregnant. Now again all unexpected I'm scared of a miscarriage or the tho…
I miscarried back in June at 11 weeks. And just found out im barley 5 weeks. And very nervous,excited,scared! Trying to stay positive! Good luck to everyone!